Kodak DC210 Excessive Upload Time

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Testing several cameras before purchase, I notice that the Kodak DC210 takes an excessivly long time to upload via serial cable. Max-resolution, fine images, are taking on the order of 5 minutes each to upload. I have adjusted transfer rates to 115,200 baud (maximum option)with no appreciable change. I would like to puchase a DC260 but such slow upload speed is a real show-stopper. Am I doing something wrong? How much faster is the USB port transfer? Or the smart card -to- floppy input adaptor?

-- Paul Danilowicz (MrBluenose@aol.com), November 19, 1998


A setting in device manager may not be right..maybe. It should go much quicker. I have the ricoh rdc-4200 and it takes maybe a minute to download each image at the highest jpg compresssion. With the floppy adapter..it takes 2 minutes to download 12 best quality images! And the flopppy adapter is the fastest way to go that is on the market. At least for smartmedia..for compact flash memory u may want a card reader.

-- Mike Valley (cpanthers@email.com), November 19, 1998.

Also double check your connection properties for the camera. The defaults are fairly slow but I got a 150% increase in speed by reducing the delay time and experimenting with other settings. Your upload times should be half what you are getting

-- Lee Millburn (leemcp@hotmail.com), December 25, 1998.

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