selecting page sizes : LUSENET : L-F Printers : One Thread

how do i correctly select the right page size when printing? i am printing from corel with winconnect. when i print out after selecting a page size that will fit my images i get a lot of white space. thank you for your help. tim

-- tim egan (, November 20, 1998


If all else fails try sending an import..eps, be sure all your fonts are converted to paths.

-- Lori Duncan (, January 13, 1999.

Option 1:

In Corel select or use a custom page size vs. a default page size and make sure to convert all fonts/text to paths/curves.

Option 2:

When you are ready to send the file to the RIP export the file as an EPS (Postscript) [yourfile.eps] file to your local hard drive. Even if you set the page size to 24 x 36 and the image is only 18 x 24 the resulting EPS file that shows up in Postershop will be 18 x 24 with no additional white space. I would recommend running Postershop in the non-server mode for this, because you will have more control over the print. Next, copy the EPS file to a shared drive/directory on the RIP Server (System running Postershop). In Postershop you will open the EPS file and process it manually. Re-size, color correct, rotate, or whatever needs to be done. I think that you will find this method much easier when working with Corel.

Winprint works well with some software but not all of the various packages that are available. Each software package wants to handle printing in different ways. Exporting to EPS format is your best bet!

-- Dan Keegan (, January 30, 1999.

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