What can we learn from Springfield to help assess other Electric Utilities

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread


What can we learn from the Springfield situation that can help us assess the likelihood of other electric utilities being Y2K ready by 2000? Hopefully you will answer this question directly, but if not could you please try to obtain the kind of information that it would take for people like me to assess this from Ms. Puttman. To me it would seem to include the following types of information.

How much effort did it take to get to Springfields current point? What did it cost, how many man-hours did it take, and how much elapsed time. When did they start the different phases of their Y2K effort, what do they see as the current percentage completed of each phase, and when did they complete, or expect to complete, each of these phases?

Rick, if we can get information like this then how can we compare it to other utilities, like Conectiv?. If for example it turns out that Springfield basically started their Y2K effort six months ago does this suggest that Conectiv, and other utilities as early in the Y2K project as Conectiv, may make it on time  that the effort just is not that big? On the other hand, if it turns out that Springfield started 2 years ago then does it looks more worrisome, or are there differences between the Springfileds and the Conctivs that might account for the differences in the scale or duration of their Y2K projects?

You may notice from my questions that I am unclear about the state of the efforts by Springfield prior to these tests and therefore do not understand the purpose of the test. So, if I have asked a dumb question please forgive me.

Thanks for all of your efforts!

-- Anonymous, November 21, 1998

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