Directory: Category Explanation : LUSENET : Lakes Area 2000 : One Thread

(If you haven't read the "About" page for this forum, please do so before reading about the categories by clicking here.)

The purpose of this category is to establish a local directory of people and organizations working in our communities to prepare for y2k. Before listing yourself, your contact information, or that of active organizations in your area you're aware of, please be sure to check those already listed on both the top level list, and by clicking on the Directory category link (which you may have already done to be reading this).

When entering your contact information, on the Subject line, please begin it with either DIRECTORY: or DIR:, followed by the name of the town or city you or your group is near or in, and, if applicable, the area "nickname."

And then, in the text entry box, please repeat the process, listing the town or city first, the area or neighborhood (or other distinguishing characteristic) second, the contact name third, and - if different from your email address (which will automatically be inserted by the software) - the email address of the contact person. Following that, if your community or group or you have a lcoal y2k community prep web site, by all means, list the URL. Of course feel free to list phone numbers and addresses if you're comfortable with that, and a brief description of you, your organization, and what's been happening where you are. (Please put your announcements of upcoming meetings, etc., in under the "Announcements" category.)

Please note: It's important when entering your information to put TWO carriage returns after each short, single line. Otherwise the software may (for unknown reasons) run single-spaced lines together. Not absolutely crucial by any means (people will be able to figure it out without too much trouble if it happens), but if you make sure there's a blank line between each item on that list, it will come out easier to read. It will come out looking something like this:

City: Big City

Area: Denton neighborhood

Contact Person: Joy Bluesky

Email: same as below

Denton y2k prep site:

A group of about 20 individuals and families who meet once a week on Tuesday evenings, and are working on different aspects of community awareness, problem mitigation, and preparation.

The "Global" Directory link, here and on the home page, will take you to the national and worldwide contact directory set up at the Millennium Salons web site. If you are a contact person, or posting contact information for your community group, be sure to go there and follow the instructions for posting the your information (similar to these instructions - no product/service advertising allowed), so that people from our area/your community who may not be aware of you or your group, but who are visiting the Millennium Salons, will find you. Also, you or your group's contact person will get community preparation notices that are disseminated through the communications capabilities built into that directory by simply listing yourself or your group in it.

-- Bill (, November 24, 1998

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