60-Mins To Air Y2K Segment

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Once again, more evidence that awareness will increase soon. Plan to watch this.

Being hospice caregivers committed to escorting our patients to the door of death naturally, serenely, spiritually, lovingly, and with soothing comfort, we were horrified watching Kevorkian kill the ALS-affected man. DrK came across as arrogant, condescending, bumbling, rushed, and slightly insane, certainly out of touch with the true dignity and holiness of death.

Knowing that many hospitals and home health care providers will be shut down because Y2K & insurance regulators will render them inoperable, we have an uneasy feeling that more elders & patients will opt for a quick exit by currently illegal methods. Just one more factor in the Y2K scenario.

Here's where we saw the 60-Mins Y2K Announcement:
TICK, TICK, T... Wait! There's life after death at CBS' 60 MINUTES. After going Roman and landing in the Top 3 most-watched TV shows last week with its airing of the Kevorkian shock death video -- CBS publicity even issued a press release bragging about the ratings triumph: "60 MINUTES [15.4/24, 22.23m] delivered its best performance in households and key adult demographics since March 15, 1998," declared network press pusher Mike Silver on Tuesday -- the house that Hewitt built is now planning to turn the ticker to Y2K!

Set for Sunday night: It's been called the millennium computer glitch, when the computers on which so much of our lives now depend could malfunction simply because they will read the year 2000 as 1900. Despite knowing about this problem for years and billions being spent to fix it, experts tell Steve Kroft that Y2K will probably cause some serious problems.
Copyright 1998 Drudge Report

Ashton & Leska, who are wondering if Y2Kers want these upcoming events posted to this forum ?

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), November 24, 1998


Yes, please. Not all of us have access to the time in the right place to see the programs.

-- Chuck etc (rienzoo@en.com), November 25, 1998.

Y2K on "60 Minutes"? We're getting a lot closer...

This segment will give us a good idea of how much the media "gets it" at this time. Will the tone of it be different from what you might have heard six months ago?

I'll be watching "60 Minutes" on Sunday.

-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 25, 1998.

You bet Leska. Post it!

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), November 25, 1998.

I'll watch 60 Minutes with this in mind: they're going for the ratings.

Doesn't make for the most balanced view.

-- Ted Markow (tmarkow@agate.net), November 25, 1998.

Couldn't resist posting this outrageous little article about a man who gets so peeved at a bank's "clerical mistake" that he bring a dead buck into the bank ... just imagine how ppl will react when their entire accounts disappear -- poof! "oh, our computers are infallible, you must have withdrawn it all and don't remember" bankese garble.
The lines will be long and who knows what ppl will drag in for "Show 'n Tell Our Rage."

http://customnews.cnn.com/cnews/pna.show_story?p_art_id=3191736&p_sect ion_name=U.S.

Nov. 25, 1998 >> 3:49 pm EST AP
The story below was selected from CNN Custom News
Man Brings Dead Deer into Bank
STAMFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- Never has bringing a buck to the bank caused so many problems.
A New York man allegedly brought a dead deer into a bank in Stamford, Connecticut, Tuesday because he was upset with the bank's service. Police say the 70-year-old argued with a teller over a clerical mistake with his checking account.
Because he was apparently unhappy with the teller, he went home, got the deer carcass and brought it into her office.
When police arrived, they convinced him to take the carcass outside. Then, they charged him with breach of peace.
The man was released on his own recognizance, but he has to go to court next month.
Copyright 1998& The Associated Press.
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-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), November 25, 1998.

Leska, thank you for your work, but frankly I can understand why people want others to help them die. I have two friends who died, one of bone cancer, they other of colon and bone cancer. They were told they would have pain control, but for months at the end they died slowly in horrifying, shrieking agony, unable to get enough pharmacuticals to ease the pain while we begged medical practitioners to help them. One young girl writhed in pain for 3 days because her MD was on vacation and couldn't prescribe! My other friend was told he had 4 months to live and hung on for 2 years. If it wasn't for the pain giving him no more than 2 hours of sleep a night, he probably could have beat the disease. Any wonder people get tired of living? After seeing this I hope I'll be killed in a car accident! Through my employment I've been in contact with associate analysts working in the health insurance industry. One company is in serious trouble, unable to process billing and underwriting. Medicare is nowhere near compliant, and hospitals get 50% of their income from this source! Gary North's site had a link to a pharmacutical representative testifying that druggists and patients are, in some cases, atempting to stockpile medications. I think this is a logical response to what is the collapse of most of the medical billing system. This person testified that he had serious concerns about the industry being able to deliver drugs because of no income. What will people in pain do? I don't know and hope that hospitals are able to increase pharmacutical stocks before the turn of the century.

-- P Kaminski (retro50@snet.net), November 25, 1998.

ABC has ran 11 Y2K stories on its evening news so far this year. CBS has only run two (2).

Does CBS take Y2K seriously? I don't know.

-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 25, 1998.

Ratings Kevin, ratings. CBS and the others will only take Y2K seriously when they see it can impact the ratings.They all need sponsers. Following the ratings is as good as following the money. I'm thinking more about if it's going to be balanced or a reader's digest type pollyanna rerun. This show could really turn a few light bulbs on, or keep Y2K out on the fringe. They could help or hurt, Big Time. Anyone know who the "experts" are for the show? That would tell us something, perhaps a lot.

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), November 25, 1998.

Or (as I suspect):

In the first few scenes:

"They" are wild raving right-wing survialist neo-nazi Christian fundementalist kooks (have I forgotten any buzz words?).

In a second group of shots:

"But trust us - the Social Security Administration is doing fine - getting an A+ rating, everything is just fine." That from the official Clinton Y2K spokeperson in DC after showing two survialist loonies (armed, to the teeth, frightened kids in the background, maybe handling or practicing with weapons) and 2 "talking heads who offer contradicting opinions.

Perhaps the FAA queen who will be flying that night rather than doing her job coordinating things. Anybody want to lay odds on which version we get?

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), November 25, 1998.

Instead of telling friends and relatives that Y2K is going to be on "60 Minutes," maybe we should tape it first.

We can show them the tape if it's investigative journalism. If it's another forum for the banks to calm "panic", then no harm done to friends and relatives.

-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 25, 1998.

Yep, that crossed my mind too. Only problem is we would have one tape and lots of folks to show it to.

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), November 25, 1998.

Why, all of a sudden, would the Drudge Report be telling everyone that CBS or any other station will be airing Y2K. Since when hs Drudge gotten intersted in Y2K. The last I heard of Drudge he was talking cigars. Kind of a big jump. Have you heard from him before?

-- Linda A. (adahi@muhlon.com), November 26, 1998.

Well, Linda, you know how Diane keeps encouraging us all to contact the media and urge them to start digging 'n reporting on Y2K? *Grin*

Well, I eMailed Mr. Drudge three weeks ago and told him, sir, since you are so good at spotting scandals and exposing hot scoops, and have the muckracking bloodhound's nose for the rotten whiff, why don't you start delving into Y2K, the most expensive, disruptive, stupid, potentially cataclysmic scandal of human-turned-geeko history?

And guess what? He's sniffed around, found a way to stick his toes in with some "respectable" backup, and voila! And it won't be the last of his pointers to Y2K. *heehee*

Yes, Diane, you are onto something! 3 Cheers for Diane!
Ashton & Leska in Cascadia, who are wondering if the 60-Mins Y2K Segment will cause as much of an outcry, legal + humanistic, as the Kevorkian video.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

-- Leska (allaha@earthlink.net), November 26, 1998.

CBS has been on a downhill track every since they dumped Edward R. Murrow. My bet is they'll play the sensationalismo angle, rather than try to do a serious piece. "60 Minutes" producers have already been caught cheating more than once, taking clips out of context, omitting essential matters, etc.

-- Tom Carey (tomcarey@mindspring.com), November 27, 1998.

One of the people who was interviewed for the segment was Scott Olmsted ( http://www.prepare4y2k.com ). This is the same person ABC Nightline's Y2K program led off with. If they (CBS) don't edit him too heavily, I think there is a chance for good coverage. The Olmsted's certainly don't come off as 'lunatic fringe'. But I'm worried must of the interview could end up on the cutting room floor.

I gues we'll see...

-- Arnie Rimmer (Arnie_Rimmer@usa.net), November 27, 1998.

I just saw a brief mention about "60 Minutes" at the end of the CBS Evening News. It said something like, "Are you worried that your computer might not on January 1st, 2000? You may be right."

This could turn out to be just the thing to have your DGI friends watch. Cross your fingers!

-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 27, 1998.

Kevin: Yeh, I saw it too. Dan Rather in a 20 second promo. Hope it isn't just a play to fake us out.( I'm getting way too cynical). BTW, nothing new on the CBS site, and just a flash notice on Olmstead's. Cross toes as well.

FWIW, also saw a reference to the DoD falsifying Y2K info on the T.V. - same thing that North is reporting.

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), November 27, 1998.

Here's a newspaper article from the "Kansas City Star." It starts with Congressman Horn's report card. The last paragraph mentions tomorrow's "60 Minutes" broadcast:

http://www.kcstar.com/item/pages/business.pat,business/30da8f21.b27,.h tml

-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 28, 1998.

CBS's website for "60 Minutes" now has info on it about the Y2K segment tomorrow. Here's what it says at the site:

"It's been called the millennium computer glitch, when the computers on which so much of our lives now depend could malfunction simply because they will read the year 2000 as 1900. Despite knowing about this for years and billions being spent to fix it, experts tell Steve Kroft Y2K will probably cause some serious problems. Frank Devine is the producer."

Here's the link to the "60 Minute" site:


-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 29, 1998.

Thanks Kevin. Just to be prepared to fire off your thoughts, the CBS web-site Feedback Form is located at http://www.cbs.com/navbar/ feedback.html -- Diane

Watch the next broadcast of 60 Minutes on Sunday, November 29 at 7:00PM ET/PT (Check local listings). Frank Devine is the Y2K story producer.

BIOs http://www.cbs.com/prd1/now/display?p_who=network&p_section=3400 [Cant find individual e-mail for any of these people. Ideas???]

ED BRADLEY, Co-editor. Since joining CBS News in Paris in 1971, Ed Bradley has won numerous awards for his coverage of wars, politics, and personalities.

DON HEWITT, Executive producer. He has produced news for CBS throughout its 50-year history. More than 30 years ago, he created the first television news magazine.

STEVE KROFT, Co-editor. Much honored for his investigative reporting, he was a foreign correspondent before being named a co-editor of 60 Minutes in 1989.

ANDY ROONEY, Correspondent. His unique television essays have made Rooney "the most felicitous non-fiction writer in television," and its most honored.

MORLEY SAFER, Co-editor. His reporting for CBS has won him 11 Emmys and France's Chevalier dans I'Order des Arts et des Lettres.

LESLEY STAHL, Co-editor, She covered the administrations of three American presidents for CBS News before joining the 60 Minutes team in 1991.

MIKE WALLACE, Co-editor. His no-holds-barred interviewing technique and enterprising reportage are well known, and his interviews are a "who's who" list.

Here's how to get in touch with 60 Minutes.

Address: 60 Minutes 524 West 57th St. New York, New York 10019

Phone: (212) 975-3247

To order a transcript, call: (800) 777-TEXT

To order a videotape, call: (800) 848-3256

-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), November 29, 1998.

I just saw the "60 Minute" segment. Yep, Y2K awareness is on its way up. That was a balanced and thorough report for a mainstream TV network.

My only quibble was that when they mentioned that 80% to 90% of computers would be ready for 2000, they failed to mention that for Germany and Japan, the number is more like 50%.

Think about it, though--they had the guts to mention "Y2K" and "recession" together in a network news report.

Only problem now is, how long before Wall Street "gets it"?

-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), November 29, 1998.

14 hours.

-- Rob Michaels (sonofdust@net.com), November 29, 1998.

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