Durst Cls 35 & Ilford MGIV

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have an old, but in good order, Durst Cls 35 35mm enlarger. The 3 filter settings all range to a maximum of 100. Ilford's literature for multigrade papers provide a table of different enlarger makes filter settings that approximate the equivilant multigrade contrast steps. The tables provide two scales of Durst filter settings, one where maximum magenta is 170, the other 130. My enlarger's maximum is 100. My questions are: does the maximum settings on my filters (100) equal the maximum on the other settings (eg. does 100M on mine = 170M on another Durst enlarger where its maximum is 170)? I know it is really a matter of trial & error, but as a starting point for me, does anyone use a Durst enlarger where the maximum filter settings are 100 and what settings approximate the equivilant Ilford contrast settings? Is there any loss of quality when using Ilford's below-the-lens multigrade filters? (my Cls 35 doen't have a filter drawer)? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

-- Frank Alvaro (falvaro@ozemail.com.au), December 05, 1998


100M on one enlarger *should* equal 100M on another...but don't bet on it. You'll definitely have to test. But why be concerned? It really doesn't matter what the equivalents are. Try to develop your negs so that they print with little or no filtration. And below-the- lens filters are a no-no; they will degrade sharpness.

-- Peter Hughes (leonine@redshift.com), December 05, 1998.

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