Mr. Koskinen's store of knowledge : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

The following snipet is from an AP (AP = Any Power?) article posted on Y2KToday. Please note the comments regarding the readiness of Oil, Gas, EU, and Telecommunications companies.

"In the private sector, banks are generally ready for Y2K, as are oil and gas companies, electric utilities and telecommunications, Koskinen said. The Federal Reserve has a test grid that banks can use to check their computers."

If Mr Koskinen has access to some secret store of knowledge, then I sure wish he'd let the rest of us know where it is. One possibility is that he's found the capstone to the Great Pyramid in Egypt (said to contain all knowledge and wisdom). While this may be true, I prefer to think that our friend and protector Mr. Koskinen is so full of it that he's almost convinced himself he's correct (tell a lie long enough and you'll start to believe it's the truth - try it sometime - I now believe I'm handsome). While I dislike implying that someone is being less than truthful, I can come to no other conclusion..... Mr. Koskinen's version of "reality" is totally unsupported by the "facts" as we know them. If he knows of other "facts" that will change our version of "reality" I sure wish he'd let us know so we can all go home and get on with our lives. In the meantime, Mr. Koskinen's remarks merely serve as a further evidence that all is not well.

When (WHEN???!!!) will some big media type call him on these assertions and make him support his comments? In the interest of keeping everyone calm, they seem to be playing an all-or-nothing hand of Black Jack, with us as the chips. Well, ok. I can play too .... hit me, dealer.

-- Anonymous, December 07, 1998

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