Olympus ES-10 Long-Roll Film Scanning?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I haven't seen an Olympus ES-10 up close, but it appears to be a top-loader from the pictures. Can it be used to scan 35mm long-roll microfilm? (Like the kind found in libraries.) The Kodak RFS-3570 can do this but its pretty expensive. I'm looking for a low-budget alternative.

P.S. I'd like to be able to scan 16mm microfilm as w

-- Gene Cochran (gpcochran@west.raytheon.com), December 08, 1998


The ES-10 is indeed a top-loading scanner. I don't recall enough of the details of the 35mm film strip holder for it, but believe it should either allow long rolls directly, or be easily modified to allow them. I say "allow" because you'd obviously have to come up with some way to support the film on either side of the scanner - the film strip "clamshell" holder of the ES-10 would just hold the film in position at the scan head.

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), December 09, 1998.

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