Open Forum Search Capabilities : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

To all who contribute by posting or doing research at this forum:

Recently, I've been using the left hand shoulder (sometimes even the median strip) as a passing lane. Trying to get to my birthday party on time, you know? (50 years old on Millennium Eve) Anyway, exceeding reasonable speed limits comes with consequences. I've been to this site before, but I didn't slow down long enough to discover this Open Forum. I MISSED WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR . Back on the local road here.. I've been going through the EUY2K Open Forum postings and there are several people whose "whole body" of postings I would like to view.

A search engine would make something like that happen. Here's how we could get one.

Philip Greenspun, the person who provides the digital vehicle for this forum, will insert search capabilities in exchange for a $350 contribution to The ArsDigita Foundation ( ).

Everybody Wins! Here's the proposal offered:

24 hours after receipt of a check for $350 covering the investment, the search function will be operational. We get the capability to simply type in "bonnie" or "lynes" or "soiuxie" or "Brunswick audit" or "RDMS" or .... c'mon kids, this is serious stuff we're doing here. You know what a search function would mean to you.

To support and fund this project, we need donations. No amount is too small. Exceeding the $350 request would make a lot of folks happy. I'll start with $10.

The checks will be made payable to "ArsDigita Foundation" or "SARA Sanctuary". (your choice; both are tax-deductible)

But wait! Don't write the check yet. The first step is to find out if we can raise the money. If you can make a donation, please post it here. As soon as we get commitments totalling $350, I'll let you know how ArsDigita wants to receive it.


Critt Jarvis 277 Beasley Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 910-790-5677

BTW: Rick Cowles just committed $110. (The odd $10 is for Overnight Express) So... who's next?

-- Anonymous, December 11, 1998


As Critt noted, I've committed $110.00 to this endeavor. I think a search function would be a great addition to the discussion group - but it's kind of up to you. It's still going to take another $240.00 to make this happen.

Just a quick word on this discussion forum software - Philip Greenspun makes this space available for free, on his server, using software he wrote and methods he developed. It doesn't cost me a dime. The $350.00 for the search function basically doesn't even cover his development time - it's just kind of a way to say "thanks" to Philip for giving us the space for this important forum, and the opportunity to make a donation to one of Philip's favorite causes.

Ok, my part in this beg-a-thon is over - back to your regularly scheduled forum. If you've gotten a single dime worth of value from either the website or this forum, I encourage you to contact Critt with a small donation if you feel that putting a search function on this discussion forum is a worthwhile endeavor.


-- Anonymous, December 11, 1998

Count me in for $20. Marcella

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

Two things I find remarkable about this forum:

1) The depth of the queries and responses

2) Substantial representation from women

If anyone knows of other sites with that pattern, please let me know.

Thanks, Marcella.

Ok... $210 to go. And the clock's still ticking...

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

Count me in for $20.00.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998


Is it too early to see a pattern emerging?

Thank, Adele.

$190 to go...

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

This is the only Forum I know of which is committed entirely to electrical industry Y2K issues. A search engine would be a valuable research tool. I'm for anything which might speed up the process of locating information. I just found and sold a specialty book to a collector. I'll put the profit towards getting a search engine. Count me in for $50.00.


-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

Ok, let me see if I understand this correctly. I want to find stuff written by Bonnie, so I put $10 dollars towards a Search Engine. Bonnie knows how important this is and puts $50 towards the same deal.

"Hmmm, I don't use the kayak anymore..."

Let's see now, $140 to go...

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

Here's $90 from me. That should about do it. Lets get on with the searching!

-- Anonymous, December 13, 1998

I've lost track of how much is left to go. Seems like $50, so I will play Zeno with a pledge of $25.

-- Anonymous, December 13, 1998

What ever the difference is, I'll make up. Just let me know. It looks like $25 but whatever.

-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

Now I count the difference at $45. I'm in for that amount. Let us know what we need to do.

-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

Gee, that was a lot easier than grubbing for the PTA, Cub Scouts and Brownies.

I'll contact each of you by email as soon as I know how Philip wants to receive funds.

Thanks for your quick response.

-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

I think we've reached the total but I'll submit a pledge for $40 as a thankyou to Mr. Greenspun.


-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

Put me down for $25 also. This site has been very useful for me! Thanks Rick and Philip!


-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

It looks like we are over the top on donations, but I would like to contibute $10 as a token of appreciation for a well-run, informative and very helpful site. My thanks to those who contribute often.

-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

Thanks to each of you for your financial support.

Per Philip's request:

1) Make check payable to "ArsDigita Foundation" or "SARA Sanctuary". (your choice; both are tax-deductible) see

2) Mail it to:

Critt Jarvis 277 Beasley Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28409

3) As soon as I have at least $350, I will send the checks Overnight FedEx to ArsDigita.

4) For those of you who still wish to make a monetary contribution, I will forward a second batch one week later.

Again, thanks to every one for this gift.

-- Anonymous, December 14, 1998

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