contract for grade : LUSENET : M.Ed./Extension Forums at UMD : One Thread

This is my expansion on the projects I will accomplish to contract for an 'A' grade in the two classes I am currently enrolled in: Under the criteria for a 'B' grade, I propose to attend the "Youth and You" conference in Feb. and provide some type of presentation of valuable information learned to the Cohort. Under the criteria for an 'A' grade, I will be writing a grant for my community to try to re-fund a position we developed two years ago, called a Community Involvement Coordinator. I am working with our Community Education Department at the county's largest high school, the City of Pipestone Recreation Director, and our Family Enrichment Council (a local collaborative for youth and families). I wrote the first grant two years ago, and will now write to re-apply. I plan to document highlights of the position so far, change the application in ways we've learned are needed, and present the information to the Cohort.

In the Professional Development class, I am working with Sue Damme and a group of educators in developing and implementing an effective New Staff Training in Jan. I hope to have a part in presenting at the conference and in working on a Mentoring system in early development stages.

-- Anonymous, December 13, 1998


This is exciting info...relates to much of my work in schools and with families. An excellent way to synthesize lots of useful learning in such projects.

-- Anonymous, January 29, 1999

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