This Just In!: FBI to Crack Down on Militias Over Y2K Fears! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

ABC Radio News just reported (2PM CST) that the FBI will assemble an emergency task force to crack down on the Michigan, Utah, Montana and Nebraska Militia's over fears that the Y2K computer bug will be a catalyst for "Groups that will exploit the problems Y2K might bring".

Is the Gov. THAT paranoid??? I guess so.

A spokesman for the Michigan Militia said they were there to protect the peace in the community, not disrupt it.

The FBI and ATF don't buy that argument.

Let the Police State Begin!!!

-- INVAR (, December 23, 1998


GREAT NEWS. Someone should be keeping an eye on you nuts

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 23, 1998.

Goodness, Invar, today is such a cheery news day!
Lotsa articles showing govt forked tongue: No prob! CRACKDOWN//XX\\

Nuttin to worry about! BIGGIES TO DRILL//XX\\

Don't pay attention to those cute paranoid worriers. ROUND "EM UP//XX\\

Looks like we're *all* a bit schizoid. This is not a stable or predictable situation. The only thing I'm *sure* of is that we all need to be very prepared to be as self-sufficient as possible within our means. And that prayer has become a must.

Thanks for posting that, Invar. Raise the rock and shine your light on the buggies scurrying to escape for cover.

Ashton & Leska in Cascadia, preppin & prayin

xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx

-- Leska (, December 23, 1998.

http://www.usatoday.c om/news/ndstue05.htm

-- Arnie Rimmer (, December 23, 1998.

Hey Bagga Doughnuts; Go goosestep somewhere's else.

Leska & Arnie, Thanks. Preppin' and prayin' REAl HARD now.

I guess that makes us dangerous.

To Pray and prep I mean.

-- INVAR (, December 23, 1998.

Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts, you fat pig, you think that this is all such a joke. Half the time you seem semi serious, but all the time you are pathetic. Just eat, you stupid porker.

-- King of Spain (, December 23, 1998.

Jimmy, this action is simply par for the course. Read "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper and then do a search on for about a dozen other titles readily available on similar subject of the government and it's plans.

The price of freedom is vigilence, and we have failed.

-- Goldi (, December 23, 1998.

Bad News for Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts:

Grannys Kitchen churns out nearly 2 million donuts a day. The Frankfort company isnt having a problem with packaging or even selling the donuts; its a computer bug thats causing some recent commotion. What does something as basic as doughnuts have to do with a computer glitch? Apparently, everything. Computer experts say everyone is going to be affected by something called the Y2K problem.This is not just a computer problem, this is a business problem that could affect a lot of people, explained Bernard Paprocki, of the Small Business Administration. Their livelihoods, their jobs, and the way business is run.

The complete story can be found at:

Also did you know that the Dutch think doughnuts eaten on New Year's Day will ensure good fortune for the rest of the year?

Did you know that Bagga? Of course you did.

MoVe Immediate

-- MVI (, December 23, 1998.


-- smith (, December 23, 1998.

I happen to reside within the Wolverine state. If I hear anything on the local news about this, I'll pass it on.

Question: After they examine the militias, do you think they'll go after the folks who simply own guns to ward off the critters from nibbling in the garden? If so, they're gonna be very busy, for hunting is very popular and guns are prevalent in many areas, especially in the U.P. (upper peninsula). I've hunted with them most of my life and have never pointed a gun at anyone.

:::sighs::: What has happened to our country?

Tim (NO... last name is NOT McVeigh)

-- Tim (, December 23, 1998.

I saw this reported in September - yes, the FBI is going to convene special planning conferences in early January to specifically investigate groups "preparing for Y2K" behind "locked doors", particularly "church groups in the West and Far West."

Told you guys - we are now being labelled "domestic terrorists" for trying to prepare our families to be self reliant, with all the rights and priviledges thereof. Including arrest, investigation, wiretapping, etc.

Unless you trust Bill Clinton and his FBI "to protect and serve you from all enemies, foreign and domestic."

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw GA) (, December 23, 1998.

Thanks for the USA Today link, Arnie.

They say the story originated in Seattle but it hasn't shown up at the Seattle Times site yet

Frankly I hope the FBI does a good job of going after "real" terrorists, not imagined ones. Found the following on an L.A. scare. - - Diane

91 people held 8 hours after anthrax scare

December 19, 1998 Web posted at: 1:35 PM EST (1835 GMT)

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ninety-one people were held for almost eight hours late Friday as a health precaution after an anonymous threat claimed anthrax had been released into the air ducts of a federal building.

The people were given antibiotics and special suits to wear over their clothes before preliminary tests showed none of them had been infected with the potentially deadly bacterium.

Authorities held the people, most of them U.S. Bankruptcy Court staff members, as firefighters and FBI investigators tested the ventilation system for anthrax spores. Those tests also came up empty, said Jonathan Fielding, spokesman for the Los Angeles County Health Department.

The FBI would not release details of how the threat was delivered.

Preliminary symptoms of the infection typically set in within a few hours to exposure. Anthrax spores take three to five days to incubate inside the body and can cause death if untreated.

Letters threatening anthrax releases have been sent around the country in recent months, including threats to abortion clinics in four Midwestern states about two months ago.

-- Diane J. Squire (, December 23, 1998.

Robert, a kindred spirit perhaps?

It's nice to see some real patriotism here. I was worried about being overrun by a.'s, Jerry's and Bagga's prematurely on this forum.

Being labelled "domestic terrorists" for being self-reliant is just the beginning. Wait'll the round-ups begin. Imagine the spin they'll put on that. Economic sanctions first perhaps? Community "snitch" programs sponsored by the FBI? With the state of our national soul, anything is possible.

We've destroyed ourselves by our apathy and indifference to our moral decay. We've become wards of a state we want to take care of us.

The nation is fat, lazy and apathetic. We've forgotten God.

RIP America.

-- INVAR (, December 23, 1998.

The FBI "point of contact" is Robert Blitzer. Domestic Counter-Terrorism section head.

The original story was in

that itself referenced a story originally written for the LA Times. So write your congressman -ask why Janet Reno wants to investigate US citizens who are trying to save food and water, rather than investigate Chinese Communists who are paying the Democrats for A-bomb secrets.

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw GA) (, December 23, 1998.

Here are a few quotes from the USA Today article Arnie mentioned:

""Already there is talk about "Doomsday" and "Armageddon" among these groups", Wassmuth says and paranoia about the possible computer collapse at the beginning of the year 2000, commonly called the Y2K problem."

"He says these groups fear the federal government secretly favors collapse of the financial system and other social institutions, "so that it can abolish personal freedoms and establish world government."

""That is the No. 1 topic at preparedness expos" organized by the anti-government groups, Wassmuth says."

""There are people buying two years of goods and supplies and heading for the hills," Wassmuth says. His group is a coalition of organizations in six Northwestern states countering white supremacist and extremist groups."

"FBI battles terrorism in Northwest" is the title of the article.

-- Kevin (, December 23, 1998.

Tim, You ask what has happened to our government. Well, here is MHO. We, the silent majority, have quietly and without protest allowed our government to methodically strip away many of our freedoms. We have been told it's in everyone's best interest-wouldn't be patriotic to oppose it. You see we have this terrible drug problem, (That much is true)and we must wage this "WAR ON DRUGS!" We also have a very high crime rate, (True again)and we must get the guns out of the hands of these criminals. We are bombarded with this rhetoric constantly in the print and electronic media. So, I ask you: How long have we been fighting the "war on drugs?" Is the drug problem resolved? Anywhere NEAR resolved? Will disarming the citizens stop crime? How many more dollars and how many more lost freedoms to resolve these issues? What is the government REALLY trying to control? Belive me, I'm no extremist. I was raised to believe and believe-in my government. Hell, I even supported the Vietnam Conflict! The government was good...the government was 'of the people, by the people and for the people.' I was little miss red, white and blue. (:- But, as I meandered through life totally smug in my beliefs a seed of doubt began to grow in my mind. If, after such a high price, we aren't winning these 'wars,'isn't it pointless to continue with these tactics? And then I was blind-sided. 'What did you say happened at Ruby Ridge?! They actually KILLED them?' They did WHAT at Waco? I could go on, but you get the picture. Really sad. Goldi's last sentence is right on.

-- Alive in 2001 (, December 23, 1998.

I agree with the smith annimation but I,m still glad someone's watching the militias and especially INVAR.

To the King of Spain. Since you have diplomatic immunity they probably won't watch you so what's your problem.

To everyone else thanks for you "tolerence" of a differing opinion. I hope you understand sarcasm because you certainly have no sense of humor.

Which brings me back to my original thought. "Do you really want to survive with the people most likely to survive?"

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 23, 1998.

Smith: priceless!

-- a (a@a.a), December 23, 1998.

Bagga, Bagga, Bagga...

I think you would be the first person to go beserk and call for armed retaliation if you discovered idiots like you were being targeted for surveillance by let's say: A Pat Robertson CBN news organization. Funny how comfortable you are with the government surveilling folks with ideologies you don't agree with. How Hitleresque of you to be glad LEGAL Militias and Conservatives are being investigated.

>>>Do you really want to survive with the people most likely to survive?"

Well Bagga, you're free to take yourself out of the survival equation at any time. I believe Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian is available to service you. Or, simply continue as you are, and I'm sure you'll either freeze, dehydrate or starve quickly. Making fun of folks like us now won't feed you come Jan. 2000, even if it is humourous to your smug self.

BTW, "tolerance" does not mean we won't respond to idiotic, crass or imbecilic replies you post. "Tolerance" doesn't mean we have to agree with you in any way. "Tolerance" means we don't throw your obnoxious ass off a discussion forum, even if what you post is nauseating.

You Bagga, will not survive.

But as you said, I guess living in a land of independent, rugged, self-reliant, armed, God fearing, moral and responsible people is anathema to you.

Welcome to the USA of today.

God help us.

-- INVAR (, December 23, 1998.

INVAR sorry I have to spell this phonetically but:


-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 23, 1998.

More on the domestic terrorism.........

-- S.Rathers (, December 23, 1998.

I'm not saying dometic terrorism isn't present - but the FBI has better places to investigate - the people and gangs already raping, robbing and murdering US citizens and causing fear and panic - rather than the church groups and citizens trying to avoid fear fear and panic by preparing.

Do you understand the difference? As a responsible reader here, yes. Do they?

Honestly - I don't know. After all, didn't the Gestapo and KGB believe they too were serving the state responsibly?

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw GA) (, December 23, 1998.

I happen to have the rather unique distinction of being on the hate list of both the neonazis (see Ambrose Evans Pritchard article concerning Philadelphia in the London Sunday Telegraph for the fourth Sunday of January 1997 - and no, I don't think it's on the web anymore) AND on the hate list of the SPLC due to the fact that the folks I worked with against the neonazis happened to be armed conservatives who believe in (among other things) the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, none of which are views approved of by the leadership of said splc. (they also get really upset at people videotaping their public events...).

s-o-o folks don't think just because you don't fit a "militia" profile they wont watch you, 'cause they will - that means you too Jimmy...after all, you're hanging out with all of the rest of us.

Arlin Adams

-- Arlin H. Adams (, December 23, 1998.

"s-o-o folks don't think just because you don't fit a "militia" profile they wont watch you, 'cause they will - that means you too Jimmy...after all, you're hanging out with all of the rest of us."

So watch me and die of boredom. I could care less. It is my experience Arlin you pompous ass that armed conservatives believe in neither the constitution NOR the bill of rights unless they're talkin about a bunch of sorry ass broken down old white guys.

Anyone who thinks this is a 9 or a 10 just look who you're lining up with.

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 23, 1998.

your experience Jimmy? care to elaborate on that?


-- Arlin H. Adams (, December 24, 1998.

Guess I could start with the Civil Rights struggles in the 60's and work my way to Oklahoma City in the 90's but you wouldn't listen anyway.

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 24, 1998.

GIVE IT A REST BAGGA, you reverse rascist bastard. >>>>"a bunch of sorry ass broken down old white guys. " Screw you and all your like. I'm not takin' your shit no more. Americans shed precious blood for the freedom you have asshole. Posting that kind of poisonous shit proves what a moronic, imbecilic, satanic and socialistic idiot you really are.

You will not survive.

And I for one will be glad there's one less liberal moron out there.

It's imbeciles like you that have shredded the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It's elitist asswipes like you that have divided this nation. You only believe what you choose, and interpret truth as you see fit.

Why so concerned about those of us with common sense to prepare for a 7-10? What is this shrill bullshit you foament against anyone that believes Y2K may unravel our infrastructure? Go and mind your own self you elitist screwball.

Obviously you won't, which not only proves what an imbecile you are, it goes towards clearly drawing the battle lines.

-- INVAR (, December 24, 1998.


Calm down. You're only sending your own blood pressure over the top and Jimmy's not worth it. He'll miss his doughnuts, just like I'll miss my cafe lattes.

Perhaps we can all agree our government is not to be totally trusted. Why? Because some of them play some pretty nasty games with us, and its hard to hold them accountable. They lost our trust through their own actions, and in-actions. On the other hand, many, many government workers are trying to serve us to the best of their limited abilities, and within the deadening bureaucratic rules. To be fair, not everyone is a rotten apple, just some who are self-serving. Sort of like some managers in corporations, Wall-street stock brokers, etc., etc.

Im quite sure there are dedicated FBI guys, who are interested in identifying the real terrorists and can tell the difference between them and average citizens preparing for uncertainty. To them I say thank you and keep on truckin. There are others who operate on the shady side of the law, for their own agendas. To them I say, you reap what you sow, and I hope you reap it soon.

Y2K may well ground us all.


-- Diane J. Squire (, December 24, 1998.

Thank You Diane. Sorry about the intensity level, I'm just fed up with that Bagga nonsense and his like.

Cafe Latte's? Hell, I'll miss those Frappaccino's. Can memmories drum up flavors? My imagination's pretty good. Mmmm A Grande Mocha Latte whilst I'm enjoying summer-warm well-water. MMMmmm!!!

As far as trusting the FBI or any other current Government Agency, remember they are all part of the current President's administration, that will do all it can to stay in power. Doesn't that frighten anyone? If we don't trust him, as he's a proven congenital liar- how can we trust any agency that takes direct orders from him?

Beware the Government that says: "All we want to do is Help You."

-- INVAR (, December 24, 1998.

Success. I knew I could get a rise out of Dianne instead of those boring cut'n pastes she does. I'm on her team weather she wants me or not. I have now gotten responses from every psuedo-celebrity on this forum. Like Elliot Ness I'm just trying to do some good.

INVAR I refuse to stoop to your level because I don't want to turn off the lurkers who are my fans. Pretty sure I won this round though. You should move to New Jersey you have a future in Road Rage.

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 24, 1998.

I watched the movie "WACO The Rules Of Engagement" last night.

The FBI, ATF, Reno, Clinton all come out with gallons of blood on their hands.

If you have a strong stomach you should see this film. If you don't have a strong stomach you should see this film.

It should be shown at all schools in the country, and should be aired on primetime TV.

Watch this movie and then think - how will Clinton and Co. handle Y2K?

See the movie and find out...

website at

-- Andy (, December 24, 1998.

Jimmy, your ego is speaking a tad too loudly.

This is not about winning or losing. Hopefully by "sharing" we can all create win-win solutions for us all.

My gift to you this Christmas is a Japanese fan. To wave away the hot air when you become to over-heated. Remember, it's an inter-connected world out there, as in here.


-- Diane J. Squire (, December 24, 1998.

Hi Everyone:

The FBI targets *anyone* fitting its' "extremist" agenda. If you are against abortion, and attend anti-abortion groups; If you are pro-environment, if you love animals, and work with groups to alleviate animal suffering; if you are concerned about survival in the next year, and affiliated with Y2k militia groups, you have a significant chance of being,tagged, harrassed, and intimidated by the FBI's illegal dirty tricks of COINTELPRO. The infamous, counter intelligence program directed to squash any, and all "extremists" who may or may not challenge the status quo.

Judi Bari was a staunch environmental leader in Northern California. She was dedicated in her lifelong struggles to reversing the intense forest destruction. She helped organise displaced workers, property owners, and others because the wanton acts of destruction directly or indirectly affects everyone. One night as she journeyed into Oakland her life would never be the same...

Part 1 gopher://

Part 11 gopher://

Merry Christmas


-- MC Davey (, December 25, 1998.

Hi Everyone:

The FBI targets *anyone* fitting its' "extremist" agenda. If you are against abortion, and attend anti-abortion groups; If you are pro-environment, if you love animals, and work with groups to alleviate animal suffering; if you are concerned about survival in the next year, and affiliated with Y2k militia groups, you have a significant chance of being,tagged, harrassed, and intimidated by the FBI's illegal dirty tricks of COINTELPRO. The infamous, counter intelligence program directed to squash any, and all "extremists" who may or may not challenge the status quo.

Judi Bari was a staunch environmental leader in Northern California. She was dedicated in her lifelong struggles to reversing the intense forest destruction. She helped organise displaced workers, property owners, and others because the wanton acts of destruction directly or indirectly affects everyone. One night as she journeyed into Oakland her life would never be the same...

Part 1 gopher://

Part 2 gopher://

Merry Christmas


-- MC Davey (, December 25, 1998.

Any one of you goofs with all of your pofonticating about how bad our Government is and OUR society in general over the age of 14? If so..what happened that you never learned that the world does not revolve around you? It does not and it is rather sad that you do not seem to have the intelligence to understand what is beyoind your next video game or movie or lay. Do you realise even a little bit how pathetic your words are or even comprehend how people read your words and laugh at your seemenly ingrained ignorance? But do not let that stop you from posting what you are sooo convinced of, we all need a laugh at least once a day. Too bad you have nothing but your own sad convictions to back up any thing you spew.

-- Cherri Stewart (, December 25, 1998.

This is me, Leo. Not some troll using my name. If my account hadn't stopped working, I'd invite you to email me at the address above to verify. If you like, email at if you do not believe it is me. That said, Cherri:

Go fuck yourself, you egotistical knucklehead.


-- Leo (, December 25, 1998.

This is not about winning or losing. Hopefully by "sharing" we can all create win-win solutions for us all.

Sorry D, I must apologize as your humble grasshopper. However allow me to point out that INVAR tried to portray himself as a religious guy and I have exposed him as a raving lunatic who is a threat to the freedom of all. That to me is a win for all. I bow to your Karma and also to your Sutra.

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 26, 1998.


It's loud here but not too bright. Obviously, they worship at the altar of Fast Eddie's marketing machine. My guess is Crazy Eddie's house of cards starts to tumble in a couple of months. Wouldn't surprise me if a few of the rational sounding doomers are shills for Fast Eddie and picking up a check.

-- Jimmy Bagga Doughnuts (, December 26, 1998.

It was a homerun Jimmy!! That fact did not escape my attention. Please walk the talk guys.

-- James1 (walkthe, December 26, 1998.

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