DC260 Firmware Japanese - English

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hi all, I'm a new user here, and I hope you can help.

I recently received as a gift a DC260 from a friend in Japan, I am in England. Unfortunately all menus and documentation is in Japanese.


1) Is there anyone out there with a copy of the camera documentation in electronic format who could help me? Or, somewhere where I can get screen shots of the camera menus. The software for the PC is in English, but the camera menus are all Japanese.

2) I had hoped I could download a firmware update for this, and downloaded 1.0.6 from the Kodak site, and followed instructions, but when booting up after transferring software over, I get some error message I can't decipher (screenshot of this is available for those who may know kanji). Is there a problem with an English update on a Japanese camera perhaps?

I tried calling Kodak USA, who suggested taking it to a service centre to upgrade it. When I called the English centre, they rather helpfully told me to go get lost. This was a camera that wasn't supposed to be in England and they won;t help.

Hope anyone can help

Nick Whittaker nw1@bolton.ac.uk

-- Nick Whittaker (nw1@bolton.ac.uk), December 25, 1998


Unfortunately, Japanese models of Kodak cameras can't be converted to English menus. Apparently this is an attempt by Kodak to deal with the unbelievably low digicam pricing in Japan, without impinging on their US market, or encouraging the creation of a "grey" market for their stuff... If you can find someone with menu screen shots though, you may be able to learn the menu system well enough to get around (and maybe learn a little Japanese in the bargain! ;-) Sorry to not have had better news for you! :-(

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), December 26, 1998.

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