How can I change the graphic menu my DC260 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

The graphics (icons, font, etc.) found in all menu of the DC260 don't have a nice look (IMHO). Is Kodak designers want to sell this camera to kids or what ?

So, is there a way I can change the graphic with a SDK or scripts ? I want to give to my camera the look it deserve...

-- Christian Lefrangois (, December 27, 1998


You can definitely affect the menus via the scripting language, but I don't know to what extent you can make an existing menu or icon go away, to be replaced by another one. You could probably get (most/some of) the details at the FlashPoint site ( - click through to the link for their software developer kit (SDK).

-- Dave Etchells (, December 27, 1998.

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