Response to Glasser : LUSENET : M.Ed./International Falls : One Thread

The Quality School by William Glasser, M.D. Summary and Reaction by Lisa West Dr. Glasser compared and contrasted two styles of teaching: boss management and lead management His view is that a coercive, boss approach is not effective in the business world, nor is it effective in the teaching world. In a teaching environment it uses ridged rules, punishments and traditional teacher-centered approaches to coerce students into producing quality work . In contrast, lead management engages the teacher as facilitator, and uses approaches such as cooperative groups, student input and choices, and an overall student-centered approach to helping students achieve success.

Dr. Glassers choice theory contends that all human beings are born with five basic needs: survival, love, power, fun, and freedom (46). He contends that all people are motivated intrinsically if one or more of these needs will be met. Students may discover positive ways to have their needs met or negative ways. It is up to teachers to try to identify students needs and attempt to redirect the negative actions to positive actions. A supportive family environment increases the chances of success.

I enjoyed Glassers book and believe that lead-management is a more effective way of teaching. I have always felt that a large part of teaching is the importance of truly caring about and acknowledging students needs, both educational and emotional. The choice theory describes specifically why this is important by listing the five basic needs and how students are motivated by them. He described ways to teach that reflect this attitude, which were helpful. I try to incorporate choice and student input, but after reading this I would like to try more cooperative projects. I now feel like I will be more in tune to what my students needs are by their behaviors and work habits, and how I can guide them more effectively to success.

-- Anonymous, December 30, 1998

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