Setups Question : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

I have a K2500X. When playing live I typically use the following sounds: - Bright Stereo Piano (from Piano ROM Daughter board) routed mix output on K2500X - Live Drawbars (KB3) goes to output B on K2500X from there to pro-3 - electric piano ( mix output )

There are occasionally songs where I would like to have a setup with my Live drawbars on the lower 44 keys and the Bright Stereo Piano on the upper 44 keys. Can I do this? or are these programs too large to put into one setup?

-- John Scott (, January 05, 1999


The problem is the "Ballad Organ" has a fade out. How can I fix the Ballad Organ Program so it does not fade.>> Edit the program, the fade is being caused by the AMPENV. Find the decay setting and put it at 100%

Also there is a leslie simulation on the Ballad organ that I would like to remove. How can I do that? Removing the leslie is a little more difficult, but on both the AMP pages and PITCH pages...simply turn off the DEPTH values for modulation sources 1 and 2.

This should do it.


-- Mike Martin (, January 12, 1999.

There is a problem in using a KB3 program in a SETUP. KB3 mode completely changes the way the K2500 creates sound. To create a KB3 program, most of the available resources (polyphony) are taken to create the organ model.

Using any organ sound that is non-KB3 would allow you to create the setup that you are asking and much more.

Since you asked about KDFX as well I should tell you that all the regular sampled organs are re-done when KDFX is installed. Not only do you get chorus/vibrato and a great leslie, they've also added some EQ control helps simulate some drawbar control.

You may also want to download the K2000-B3 sounds that Dan Fisher did. They are on the SweetwaterSound Website. They're quite good and give you lots of control without using all of the horsepower of KB3 mode.

-- Mike Martin (, January 05, 1999.

OK I tried your suggestion as follows: I created a setup with "Rok Piano" from C4+ and "Ballad Organ" from C4-. I routed the output of the Ballad Organ to B so I can send it to the Pro-3 and made the CC pedal the volume for the organ. This works great and sounds good. The problem is the "Ballad Organ" has a fade out. How can I fix the Ballad Organ Program so it does not fade. Also there is a leslie simulation on the Ballad organ that I would like to remove. How can I do that?

-- John A Scott (, January 11, 1999.

Oh baby! I am rockin' now! I got the organ on the left hand that goes to output B and my pro-3 and I can control the volume with the CCPedal and the ROK piano on the right. This is perfect! FYI Deleting the second layer of the Ballad Organ removed the leslie simulation.

-- John A Scott (, January 12, 1999.

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