Getting Personal : LUSENET : Construction : One Thread

Your statement about getting our system 'closer to home' really struck a bell with me. I covered it in the 'Overview' and since I've written it and you've read it, I never thought to bring that point up about self moving outward to family, friends, community and so on.

I think we missed the most important ingredient to 'self and community' from the get-go at MS and O2K. We missed the individual. We never addressed their needs. Take a look at our cold, semi-intellectually topics and the threads. You think we and the contributors we're lawyers or politicians looking to prove how fucking smart we are and win debating points. "Oh yeah. Look at this humdinger of a sighting! Read this cold analytical analysis of the way to we're in deep shit unless we wake up the neighbors." Mixed of course, with the whine of, "The neighbors won't listen."

I'm going to try something at O2K and MS. The question will be, "Do YOU think Americans \ Canadians are too complacent about Y2K?" and the next one, "What are YOU doing to prepare for disruptions?"

Let's see what happens.

-- Anonymous, January 11, 1999

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