Downloading HighRez Images : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Is there a formula or rule of thumbs?

Have a new DC260 and have noticed when it comes to downloading (using USB/iMac connection) into Photoshop that the pictures are like 24" x 18" JPEG's @72dpi (taken at best resolution setting). I thought they would come out as 300 dpi or best quality?

What do I change the image size and resolution to in Photoshop for output to printer (Epson 800) and/or digital photolab printer?

-- Perry Anderson (, January 13, 1999


to set the image size go into into the image adjust and adjust the print size to the size of the image you want to print. You will notice that when you adust the size of the print, the resolution of the image will change. In your case if you change the print size to an 8" X 10" print the resolution will increase to about 162 dpi. This will give you a not bad print. The printer is designed to print best with a print resolution of about 300 dpi. (Although the printer prints smaller dots than that, a print resolution of greater than 300 dpi will not give you a better print). You could resample the image to 300 dpi, in which case your image file size will increase to about 15M but you may or may not get an increase in quality.

-- Jonathan Ratzlaff (, January 14, 1999.

-Just a quick note on that resizing: Make sure you have the "resample image" check-box turned off, otherwise, it will leave the dpi resolution of the image the same, and interpolate up or down to make the data fit. As noted, you want it to leave the data (number of pixels) alone, just change the dpi.

-- Dave Etchells (, January 18, 1999.

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