Ancillary but Interesting : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

As stated, this is ancillary to Y2k, but interesting none the less.

SCRIBA, N.Y. (AP) -- A fire erupted Thursday near the electric turbine at the James FitzPatrick nuclear power plant near Oswego. The fire was under control shortly after it started at about 1 pm, but wasn't completely extinquished until Thursday evening, according to Woody Berzins, spokesman for New York Power Authority, the plant's owner.

(The story goes on) NRC spokesman Joe Gilliland said the fire began in an area of hydrogen tanks near the plant's electric turbine generator. Firefighters from local areas helped control the fire. The power plant continued to operate at full power during the fire, officials said. ###

This shows you what I know about nuclear plants and their safety procedures:

"There's a fire near the hydrogen tanks?! Pull the plug! Pull the Plug!"

-- Anonymous, January 15, 1999

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