dc210 pictures all blurry

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I bought a DC210 about 3 weeks ago and for the first two times the pictures were wonderful now every time they are a blurry and I havent touched any settings or anything. Has anyone else had this problem? I noticed a couple of people have said that they had to replace their DC210 what was the problem there? Thanks Dave

-- David Rudge (permasteel@compusmart.ab.ca), January 17, 1999


Since the DC210 is a fixed-focus camera, if everything's blurry, I'd say something in the lens is out of whack. Check both close (~10-12 feet) and pictures at infinity though: The DC210 is a bit "soft" at infinity, sharper closer up. It's possible you're comparing near and far pictures when you see the difference. You said the settings were the same, but just as a check, make sure you're in high resolution, "best" quality mode... Hope this helps, good luck!

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 18, 1999.

I replaced my dc210 with an olympus 400 zoom and am very pleased with the olympus. the dc210 can also look hazy/foggy with certain outside high contrast shots, as you by now have probably discovered. indoor shots were usually fine, but with less detail than the d400 zoom.

-- BILL HARDY (BUDDY1065@FREEWWWEB.COM), February 28, 1999.

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