contract for a grade : LUSENET : M.Ed./Extension Forums at UMD : One Thread

CONTRACT FOR GRADE Nathan Johnson January

I am contracting for an A. I am proposing to give a presentation for the rest of the class, detailing the information I received while attending a recent Rural Options Taskforce Conference. The workshop's theme was how to assist the people in rural settings and help them deal with their financial struggles. Another part of my project would involve keeping a written summary of my experiences with a one producer while working on the Farm Wrap project. Farm Wrap is a program designed to help farmers in the Northwestern part of Minnesota who are facing a serious financial crisis. The goal is to show them various options they can choose from to enhance their lives. This may include continuing to farm, switching careers, or furthering their education.

-- Anonymous, January 20, 1999


I have documented our telephone conversation about this from a few months ago. I was impressed then and remain so, about how vitally important this project is to the people you're working with, to us as learners, and to our public policy makers at the state and federal level. Bravo to you!

-- Anonymous, January 31, 1999

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