Where is HP Photo Finishing softwaregreenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
Having recently acquired the HP PhotoSmart Scanner & Printer, I have looked in vain for the Photo Finishing software discussed the "Digital Darkroom" review recently found in the Imaging Resource. It was mentioned in the Forum that it could be downloaded from the HP site. Is this HP.com or PhotoSmart.com site, and in which part of these multi-part sites would you find it?
-- E. Paul McClain (EPAUL@juno.com), January 22, 1999
This is very odd - I was sure there was a thread on this server that had the actual URL in it for the Photo Finishing software on HP's server, but I just searched and can't find it.I'll try to dig it up in my old email, and post it here. Sorry for all the confusion on this, we really need to edit the PhotoSmart Scanner review & make note of this situation there. Stay tuned...
-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 23, 1999.
(Minutes later...)Got it! Here's the URL where the Photo Finishing software is on the HP server. It will complain about not finding a camera when you launch it, but works like a champ after that! Good Luck, have fun!
-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 23, 1999.
Here's an update to this thread: HP's rearranged their web site, the PhotoSmart Photofinishing software is now at the following URL: http:/ /www.hp.com/cposupport/cons_swindexes/hpphotosma9534_swen.html
-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), June 14, 1999.
Photo finishing software for HP cameras is outdated and replaced with the software also used by the C200 camera
-- tommyjames (tommy@hotmail.com), December 31, 2000.
-- Jo Ann Lyon (wlyon33@toledotel.com), April 17, 2003.