Question on Reports to NERC and IAEA Nuke Safety Report : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

In looking at the reports that were sent to NERC on 12/09/99 from each of the 10 regional grid members, I noticed that my power supplier (SPP) did not report any work done in the category for nuclear reactors. "0" was filled in for every answer.

I checked the entire report, all 10 regions, for Nuclear plant status and found that seven of the key regions did not report ANY work/status on nuclear plants. They were: ERCOT, FRCC, SERC, SPP, MAIN, WSCC and MAPP.

The three regions that DID include status of their Nukes were 1) ECAR (Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana) that showed a range of 26%-44% at remediation stage. 2) MAAC (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, some Canada) that showed a range of 3%-42% in remediation stage. And, 3) NPCC (Massachusetts, New York, Vermont, Maine, Michigan (parts of Canada) that showed a range of 28%-52% at the remediation stage.

It appears, that with the East Coast so dependent on Nukes, the NRC cannot take a chance of shutting them down. All the nuke data in these reports comes from East Coast energy providers.

I wonder, if based on the LACK of information from plants located in "other than East Coast" areas, we can assume that a plan to shut them down is in the works?

(just change "mapp" in the above URL to another region (ie SPP or FRCC) to get each regions individual reports.

Also, one other question:

In the 12/21/98 Draft version of the International Atomic Energy Agency's "Guidance for Assessment and Remediation of the Year 2000 Problem to Maintain the Safety of Nuclear Installations" - page 15 under Mitigaiton Strategy, The report says...... Preset facility load or capacity to reduce the consequences to the facility of grid instability or voltage fluctuations.

Exactly what does that mean? Reduce power load by disconnecting from large customers to avoid sudden power reduction or spikes?

-- Anonymous, January 25, 1999

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