Postscript driver for Epson photo 700? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Hello! I've purchased the Photo 700 Epson printer, with the apparently delusional belief that it had Postscript capability...not! The Epson site says that the EX is the one I really wanted. Rats. Does anyone know if there's an aftermarket Postscript driver for the 700? Thanks, Tom Meyer

-- tom meyer (, January 25, 1999


There are several third-party software RIPS that drive Epson printers, but on a brief scan through all my catalogs, I couldn't for the life of me find one right now! Companies that come to mind are GDT Softworks, and Amiable Technologies, but somehow I'm sure I'm forgetting the main company that's been doing this the longest...

Meanwhile, I checked the NECX web site, and found there a mention of Epson part number C842351, a Postscript upgrade board that they claim (there, at least) supports the Photo 700 as well as the EX. Good

-- Dave Etchells (, February 01, 1999.


-- hgjrrvf (, January 13, 2003.

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