"The Lights Will Be On"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

This assurance is given by Howard Belasco on the Westerguard site at:


Belasco article tries to make a case that the risk to utilities has been overblown and without naming anyone specifically, tries to place blame:

"....It comes down to an issue of trust. There is an active group of people on the newsgroups and the web sites that continually say that you can't believe anyone from industry or the government that is issuing public statements. They keep telling us that these experts, those actually doing the work, are all lying to us..."

The end of his article is baffling. A story about how a real life power failure proved to be no big deal in a retirement home (but they just happened to have a generator).

So I guess his message is that we needn't worry about the power going out because Y2k is no big deal for utilities, and if it does go out, that's no big deal either. Weird.

-- Anonymous, January 27, 1999


David, it is my personal observation after reading Mr. Belasco's columns for many months, that his opinions sway back and forth according to whatever newsgroup he happens to be reading at the time. He also tends to somehow contradict himself in nearly every article he writes. He is correct that some things do come "down to an issue of trust". That's why I trust my own assessment of the facts and not Mr. Belasco's.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 1999

Letter to Rick Cowles:

I am doing the Dope Slap, as in How could I have been so Stupid? Everyone in this forum knows what it means, because they are aware of an historic cast of characters that includes, Moe, Larry and Curly.

At first blush this will seem off-the-thread. Its not. Here is the bottom line.

All of you who are attempting to remediate this problem are doing great work. I cheer you on in your efforts.

But, all of you who are posting in this forum need to be aware that you are being monitored. Why?

Because its the World Wide Web.

I repeat: World Wide Web.

Electricity is the big one in the potential scenario that may unfold in the United States. If the grid goes down, the United States tanks. Extremists groups want us to tank. Extremists groups want us to believe we have lost faith in our government. Hello? Anyone following this line of thinking?

How do I know you are being monitored? Because I have worked many sides of the public fence. News reporter, public relations practioner and high school teacher. I love history, because it teaches us about ourselves, as in, In times like these, remember there have always been times like these. I am also a mother and a devoted wife. Ive only been married one time. I will be married to my current husband until the day he dies. He is a pain in the ass. I am a pain in the ass. We will stay together until the day either one of us dies.

I first learned about the potential dangers of to our society (Bottom line: that means ME),my first thought was Oh My God! I started checking the Congressional testimony, etc., the major market newspapers etc. Over time, I realized, this thing could tank everything. It scared me because I understand systemic thinking. I learned systemic thinking from Dr.. W. Edwards Deming, the guy who taught the Japanese the importance of quality. I understand how that philosophy was not accepted in the United States until the US auto industry itself tanked in the 1970s.

More importantly, I understand Thomas Edison, because I have visited his replica laboratory (over and over again), at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. I understand the reasons Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were so closely connected--and believe me--between the two of them--they were the ones who revolutionized America and gave us the so-called middle class. (Heres a little unknown tidbit--ala maybe the Who cares? genre, but both of them believed in reincarnation. Thats a fact.)

So who were these broad thinkers who brought us to where we are right now?

They are the people who have led us to this problem.

I believe the public awareness on this issue is about to hit critical mass.

I say this for one reason. All of you who read or post in this forum need to realize that you are shaping public opinion, as in WORLD OPINION!

Keep that in mind as you read the next headline in your local newspaper, or here or anywhere. As you continue your work in the trenches, please understand that whatever you say will be read by key policy makers. Here, and EVERYWHERE!

My personal dope-slap enlightenment on this issue?

The absolute realization (duh) people will make money and/or advance their power based on every word you say. Not just people, but the wealthiest people in the world who have already set you up, and you dont even know how they did it. Thats why they are the wealthiest people in the world. You are posting. You are concerned. People are responding to your posts because they are concerned. Computer prices have fallen and more people will be posting, and reading and as they do--they may become more concerned.

Dope slap quote of the day: Follow the money.

Geez, Louise.

P.S. Im not posting anymore. Anywhere. Anytime. Never did it before this issue. I certainly wont do it from here on. I have finally gotten it. From now on, I will discuss this with the people that matter to me: face to face. Im off the Web. Why? Because if everything tanks these will be the only people who matter to me. Period. And there you have it. The American Red Cross has guidelines to help you protect your family. They are common sense guidelines. We should all be doing this anyway. Period.

I thank you all for helping me educate myself about this issue. And in the meantime, "Buy some beans!."

God bless all of you.

-- Anonymous, January 28, 1999

I'm with Bonnie 100% on this one (hey, Bonnie, thought I'd use percentages :-)

Belasco has been increasingly incoherent over the past several months. My intuition tells me that de Jager/Belasco and ??? have nothing fresh to say about Y2K and are now getting ready to mine the, "weren't we great to be alarmists but now everything is OK except for those Y2K nuts over there in the corner?" I'll hand this to Mitch Radcliffe: he is the anti-North and has been consistent on this for a long time.

How about just dropping the Belasco column, Mr. Westergaard?

-- Anonymous, January 28, 1999

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