Durst Laborator 138 Point Light Source

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I purchased a Durst Laborator 5x7 enlarger which, in addition to the conventional light source came with a point light and transformer. I need information on the use of the point source. To begin I need to find a table for the condenser arrangements for point source. Also, my light looks line a short balck pole which screws into the regular light socket with a blub like one would find for a car tail light- -this looks different than the point light in my manual- is this OK? I would appreciate any help I could get with this. Are there any publications or articles about this subject that anyone is aware of?

-- John Divola (divola@earthlink.net), February 01, 1999


You should try and get in touch with Condit Mfg. Warren Condit specifically if he is still around. Point light has alot of weird characteristics, as he has built enlargers and remanufactured with every slick trick in the business, he should be able to help. ELCondit@Juno.com or 203-426-4119 that is the info that I have from the last mailer I recieved.

-- Robert Stukey (stukey@tidalwave.net), February 01, 1999.

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