night shooting : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

any lighting suggestions for shooting from the backseat of a car racing through san francisco at 3 a.m.?

-- john beck (, February 02, 1999


Fasten your seat belt. ;-p

-- Patrick (, May 16, 1999.

What camera/format are you using?. How much light are available there?.

When we shoot car sequences, we always keep the background as it is, mainly because we have no money to lit it all. But you have to keep your subjects lit. Try using a pair of lights from the bottom of the car aiming your subject's face with 45 degrees. Using pale blue or blue gels could be fine, depending on the scene itself, the moon. the weaher, etc.


-- Kuatro Monos Pseudo-ProduKtions (, June 26, 1999.

make sure the camera is steady. I love car raceing and filming it, it just hate it when the camera shakes.

-- Mike (, August 05, 2002.

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