greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

It appears that my ICQ has been hacked. And the hacker has changed my password and alot more. So I will be changeing my ICQ to another account. So for any of you on my ICQ list....I'm really sorry if you recieved an nasty bizarre messages from me. Please do not accept an messages coming from the user name gypsyflower. My new ICQ name will be starsgypsy and I will be asking for authorization soon. But just in case I'll put my ICQ number up here in a little while when I've calmed down...hehehe.

-- gypsyflower (haideepasha@hotmail.com), February 04, 1999



Well, if anyone gets any nasty messages from me you cna be sure they are from a hacker too! (Unless I've gone off the deep end and have no idea what I'm sending to anyone, I ususally try to save my bitterness for people who tailgate my car in traffic!) Dang gypsy, I guess it's really not funny though is it? Have you contacted anyone at ICQ to see how this happened? If you hear of any precautions we whould take please post them! I hope you get yours all sorted out.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), February 05, 1999.

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