Yes I'm back : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi everyone... Just to let you know I'm back from my (latest) specialist appointment - am on new drugs now, hoping they'll help - I really hate pain :(((( I'm doing ok but not around much - too depressed most of the time...but I try to catch up with you all whenever I can!!! Take care all HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs

-- gobbles (, February 05, 1999


Glad to know that you're back Gobbles :)


Hope everything starts to go better for you hunny. You deserve some good times for a change.

Take care and hope to see you soon, Luv Vennie xoxo

-- venus. (, February 07, 1999.

Thanks hon...appreciate the good wishes... Miss talking to you and hope to do so soon!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS

-- gobbles (, February 08, 1999.

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