Smaller than 8x10 PhotoSmart : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I'm really pleased in general with recently-acquired HP PhotoSmart Scanner & Printer, producing great 8x10 prints on 8.5x11 HP photographic paper from 35 mm slides & negatives. I have, however, had problems making 5x7 prints any way other than wastefully in the middle of 8.5x11 paper. Nothing I have tried with Picture It! software seems to work when I use 5.5x8.5 paper. Suggestions, anyone?
-- E. Paul McClain (, February 06, 1999
Paul-HP has some great software that does this, but doesn't bundle it with the printer. It's called the HP Photo Finishing software, and is actually available on-line if you know where to look. If you click the "Search" button at the top of the Imaging Resource Forum page, and type in the words "HP Photo Finishing", you'll find several links that discuss this. One of the top threads listed will have the URL to download the software. (We write about the software extensively in our review of the PhotoSmart C20 camera and the PhotoSmart scanner, although it turns out the software now is only bundled with the camera. Nice piece of software though, you'll be happy.
-- Dave Etchells (, February 06, 1999.
PictureIt v2.0 has the built-in ability to put 2 5x7's (and more) on a single *.5 x 11. Use the PRINT button on the left margin and select between the multiple image options.V1.0 does not have this feature.
-- Ted (, February 08, 1999.