Government/Industry Spin plus The Embedded Chips Issue : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

i found this tonight on the westergaard site...interesting read...m

Feature #2: "Digital States and Associations" There is an increasing amount of evidence coming from Washington and some companies that there will be little or no Y2K problems. While this news is certainly encouraging, it must be taken with a grain of salt. This week Victor Porlier examines this news in light of two short writings by Y2K expert and Beltway insider Michael P. Harden.

-- Anonymous, February 10, 1999


Thanks, Marianne, for posting this. It's a great article, especially in light of the NERC drill strategies discussed on another thread here.

I especially enjoyed the first paragraph of Mr. Porlier's article:

"Recent weeks have seen all manner of reassurances from government officials and corporate trade associations. All will be well because so much has been finished and so much is on schedule that life and the economy will continue as before -- aside from brief disturbances in some U.S. localities. We are being told that what has been, is what will be. Except of course, for small and medium-sized U.S. enterprises, small and medium-sized U.S. counties, towns, school districts, and special purpose districts; and most foreign countries -- few of which are Y2K ready and many of which are the suppliers and the distributors of the goods and services essential to large corporations and government agencies, and who employ millions."

-- Anonymous, February 10, 1999

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