What about the good old days?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Corporate Suckup Forum : One Thread

What happend to Grey (Fast Loading!) Internet Pages and BASIC??? What about the good old days!!!

-- KB (kalleboo@yahoo.com), February 11, 1999


They're gone.

-- pie oh pah (pie@pah.oh), March 03, 1999.

In the 'good old days', the Internet was far less rich and harder to use. BASIC was little use beyond for trivial, non-useful programs.

Forget the good old days. Been there, done that. Now invent the future.

-- Matthew Greet (mgreet@warmachine.u-net.com), October 18, 1999.

BASIC is still here. I am fourteen and am not part of the "good old days," but I LOVE BASIC. It's very powerful for it's slimplicity. I've seen mouse commands, and all sort of useful stuff done in BASIC.

-- Santana Shilling (lenny@thwt.com), May 29, 2001.

Hello, My name is Srinivas. I live in India, am 25 year old young guy, single. I'm Christian.

My Postal address:

Pilla Naga Srinivasa Rao, Jillellamudi Vari Lane, Eastern Street, Eluru-534001, Andhra Pradesh-India.

-- Pilla Srinivas ( Pilla Naga Srinivasa Rao ) (srinivas_pilla@rediffmail.com), July 04, 2002.

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