Contract For Grade #2 : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

Contract For Grade Proposal

Proposal #1

Currently I teach International Studies at Central High School. In order to increase my knowledge about the world I believe traveling is a key element to enhancing my curriculum and bringing a diverse perspective into the courses I teach. I have a particular interest in Asian countries. In fact, this summer I plan to visit Beijing for eight days. In addition to this, I would like to apply for a Fullbright Memorial Fund Scholarship to visit Japan for three weeks. The trip to Japan would entail meeting Japanese teachers, touring educational facilities in Japan, and becoming acquainted with Japanese culture. I would like to submit my grant proposal, which requires a lengthily application process. I could also provide a reflective response about the application process and what I have learned along the way.

Proposal #2 The first Contract for Grade Proposal I completed included a conference I attended with eight high school students in Saint Cloud, Minnesota entitled "Students Are Concerned." After this conference the students, and a school social worker, inquired about my interest in becoming a PRIDE advisor at Central. I accepted this position and have become involved with planning non-drinking activities at the Central High School Campus. For my second Contract for grade I would like to submit a reflective response about attending a second conference with 17 high school students in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This conference was entitled "Youth Jam" and it examined the effects of alcohol related accidents. In the last four months I have developed a relationship with these students and the students and I have created some ideas about how we could actively promote non consumption among adolescents. I could reflect upon these ideas, becoming a mentor, and write a response about the "Youth Jam" conference for my second contract grade proposal.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 1999

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