Excerpt from Senate y2k subcommittee

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

This from csy2k newsgroup: [quoted text]


So far, there's not too much sugar-coating:


While the NERC surveys clearly show progress in August, Sep-tember, and October, the question is whether there is sufficient time to complete Y2K remediation ef-forts. The data presented in the NERC report do not seem to support the optimistic tone contained in the reports executive summary. Of par- ticular concern is that, with only a little over a year to go, 34% of the firms are operating without a written plan.

In addition, the assessment phase is only 75% complete (federal agencies are 99% complete with this phase). Remediation and testing is only 36% complete. Given that Y2K experts contend that between 40 and 70% of the total effort will be expended in testing alone, there may not be suffi-cient time to complete this. The highly interconnected nature of the grids raises concern about cas-cading failures. This in turn obviates the need for contingency plan-




According to the survey, most of the critical systems in this industry are still in the inventory and assessment phase, leaving little time for the more difficult phases of Y2K remediation and testing. As a result, the industry is not likely to complete repairs of all of its system in time, which in turn means that possible disruptions in the production, transportation, and distribution of gas and oil are possi-ble.

-- Anonymous, March 02, 1999


oh dear....


(THANKS so much for this update & links)

-- Anonymous, March 02, 1999

Realizing, of course, that the report is based on old data.

The NERC data is taken as of October, 1998. Two new generations of data are available.

The Oil & Gas is based on the Septmember, 1998 survey. Again, a more recent survey is available.

-- Anonymous, March 03, 1999

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