Got myself a stalker.... : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Welp....I finally have one. And, in a way...I'm kinda flattered. Perhaps I'd be more flattered if the stalker wasn't so crazy, but, I have to make do with what I'm offered . Well...anyways...I'm just letting you know, cos whoever this is, (and I'm almost certain I know), they're kinda vindictive, and consequently, I'm guessing the next part of their evil plan is to get some rumours going. So I guess I'm just trying to set the record straight about the whole thing. I'm not gonna explain it all on here, but if you really want to know the reasons behind all this, send me an email. The name the person was going under was dark_elf, and they had some other names too cos they kept coming back in to send me abusive messages under different names. Anyways...take care everyone


-- starskii (, March 06, 1999


stars! I'm so happy for you!!! You've finally gotten a stalker!! ((great big congrats))..hehe. Just kidding btw. But think of it this way, at least you are loved enough to get one right?...oh and can I borrow your stalker sometime.....ya might come in useful..hehe good luck with the loser that's stalkin ya stars : ) EBN ~Megi

-- Megiano (, March 06, 1999.

Well now... we all know its good to have friends... and good to have powerful friends... umm... yeah, that too. But we all know its even better to have NINJAS as friends. *chuckle*

Stalkers suck, simply put... no half way to say it. Mates rates (half price) going for contract killers. All I need is airfares paid.... hahahaha

Best of luck starskii


-- shadowninja (, March 15, 1999.

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