Tell of The Power of God : LUSENET : Bethany Bible College : One Thread

The power of God to save and transform lives is beyond description. The best we can do is testify in our own words and try to brag on God in some way. This not only gives us the blessing of pointing the way to the One who can change lives, but also helps to build us up in our own faith. As the Scripture says, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:1

So, I ask that you share with us the power of God in your life. Try to make it in three paragraphs or so. Just give the straight-edge facts of where you were when God transformed your life and what it has meant to you and those around you. This could be a powerful way to influence those who might cross the path of this discussion forum by "happenstance".

-- Greg "Fudge" Miller (, March 07, 1999


Before I got saved, I had lived a terrible life between 1984 to 1988. I was binge drinking, doing dope and terribly promiscuous. In 1988, the girl I had been living with gave birth to my son named Joshua. That was when God started convicting me. I remember looking down at that little baby and just knowing that I really needed to re- think my attitudes about God, evolution, life, etc. The relationship with his Josh's mother ended and I lost custody of my son because of my reckless lifestyle.

It took about a year, but over the next few months God sent some serious Bible students my way. They, in turn, put some very informative reading material under my nose. These materials challenged the idea of evolution and reinforced what my parents had taught me growing up--there is a God and I am going to answer to Him some day. Then I saw videos and listened to cassette sermons. I was under heavy conviction.

January 1989, I was saved. I then battled for 2 years with drugs and sexual temptation. But as I looked to God for the victory, He gave me the power to overcome. He then sent a girl named Bridget my way (we have now been married for nearly 8 years with 3 little girls). She was dedicated to Jesus and we grew together in our faith. God then called me to ministry and the rest has been wonderful.

The power of God is real! All I had to do is die to selfish desires and begin a personal relationship with God. Praying whenever possible. Reading and studying the Bible daily. Attending church when the doors are open. Going soul-winning at least one night a week. Leaving tracts wherever people might read them. Tithing and supporting missions with sacrificial giving. Having the time of my life!!!!!!!

-- Greg "Fudge" Miller (, March 07, 1999.

I always considered myself a nice guy. I never drank, smoked, or got into trouble. I would play baseball and hang around the ballpark with other nice guys. My life was very much like Happy Days with Fonzi, Richie Cunningham, and Potsie, etc. I always believed in God and Jesus and figured if I ever died I would go to heaven because I was a nice guy. Then one day an older man said to me, "If you go to heaven because you're a nice kid, then Jesus died for nothing. He's the savior of everyone in the whole world except you." I had never looked at it that way before. Then this same man showed me in Galatians where it said, "...if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain." That told me that living according to various rules and laws (like the Ten Commandments or any other rules by which nice guys are supposed to govern themselves) was not the way one acquired salvation. You can't save yourself. Further Bible reading told me that I must trust in what Jesus did for me, and not what I do for myself. Understanding that, I then received Christ as my savior and thus began my Christian experience and a 40 year love affair with the Word of God.

-- Ralph Filicchia (, May 01, 1999.

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