Touchtone Energy : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

I saw a commercial this a.m. about electric coops forming "Touchtone Energy". Anyone know more about this?

-- Anonymous, March 10, 1999


Magi, Touchstone Energy "is a national alliance of local, cooperatively-owned utilities providing high standards of service to customers, large and small, and their communities." Lots more information about Touchstone is available at:

-- Anonymous, March 10, 1999

Thanks for the site Bonnie. I found 23 of WI 27 coops listed there but not one word about Y2K. I guess I'm not surprised since the Senate report verifys that theres no news on them. No news usually means good news but I think this is an exception to that rule.

-- Anonymous, March 10, 1999

Touchstone Energy is basically a "marketing" or "name-branding" of RUS Cooperatives (REA's). They are not a techincal group and probably wouldn't have much to say in regards to Y2K. It is like asking "Ace True Value" the status of Y2K for your local hardware store.

-- Anonymous, March 15, 1999

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