Percent of vendors able to produce a notice of Y2K certification. Source: EPRI : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

While researching a question about Arizona Public Service Co. for someone who e-mailed me, I came across some data about the electric utility vendor response rate. The URL is:

"APS is sending letters asking vendors to assure that their products are Y2K compliant. If they cant provide documentation regarding year 2000 readiness, the vendors are being asked for as much information as possible. Some of these vendors are deferring to the manufacturers of components and sub-components of their products; in these circumstances, were contacting the manufacturers."

"All evaluated equipment is being tracked in a database to determine its compliance status. In addition, all new equipment requires a Y2K warranty."

"According to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), about 13 percent of vendors are able to produce a notice of certification. APS expects a similar response rate."

-- Anonymous, March 14, 1999

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