Governance Team Meeting 2/4/99 : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

M.Ed. Partnerships Cohort 3 in Duluth & Surrounding Communities Governance Team Meeting 2/4/99 4-5:15 at Bixbys

Attendance: Terry Anderson, Tom Boman, Karen Keenan, Mary Jean Menzel, John Bergum and Sue Janson

The Utne Reader and Professional Journal "readers" have been responding to students: Barb McDonald from Intl. Falls is working with the first 12 students alphabetically, and John Hansen has replaced Mary Chairs, UMD Communication Dept., and will read the work of the remaining 27 students. The readers may respond via the web or via personal email. Nancy Smith is next in line as a reader, if one should resign.

Humanities 458 (ITV room) has been booked for Spring starting March 17, 1999. Dinner will still be held in Mont 111, since food and beverages are not allowed in the ITV classrooms. The students in Chisholm will be given a food budget comparable to the rest of the cohort.

A request that Barb Olson receive a copy of Coveys Principle Centered Leadership text was made. (Sent)

John Bergum requested that Assignments be clearly written out for the Cohort. Assignments are posted on the Web within the requirements for each project. Assignments are also posted on the syllabus. As faculty assign new work, chapters to be read, etcetera, the Governance Team members should email Mary Jean with the update. Many of the guidelines/due dates are flexiblecohort members should contact the faculty member via email as needed. A new version of the syllabus including the latest assignments is posted on the Web.

Summer will be designated and research and "catch up" time. The cohort may meet once mid-summer to confer with facultylate July?

Sharon Roseen is maintaining the Web pages, contact her to delete an old thread, delete an old draft of a paper, or to receive assistance in posting 726-6797. Jean Sramek will be our new Program Secretary after 3/15/99. She may be contacted at Sharon's old number.

The students requested that the veggie section of the subway sandwiches be replaced with meat. (Done)

Upcoming Governance Team Meetings:

Thursday, March 4, 1999 4pm at Bixbys Thursday, April 8, 1999 4pm at Bixbys (note: new date) Thursday, May 6, 1999 4pm at Bixbys

If you cannot attend, please contact Mary Jean 726-6938.

Meeting with Kate Maurer and Karin Jacobson 2/5/99 Research & Writing Project Jan. - Dec. 1999

Mary Jean met with Kate and Karin, UMD Composition Dept. faculty. On May 30th, one expanded Utne Reader paper should be posted to the Web under the special site for Kate & Karins Research & Writing project. Their evaluations of your work will be submitted to Tom Boman and Karen Keenan for inclusion in your Spring Quarter grade.

March 19th the position paper is DUE. Please work with your thesis groups to create a paper which may pertain to your topic. Justifying the importance of your study based on recent research and current need for valid academic research in your topic area is a great approach to take.

The April paper requirement on your Great Books Jigsaw learning experience has been combined with the May assignment. Please write the required numbers for the May assignment and include your "ahas!" from the Great Books series.

Kate and Karin will not be returning your self-assessment paper. Be sure to use the APA style manual when you write your papers and thesis/research paper. There are two copies of Keys for Writers by A. Raimes to be shared by Cohort 3 members. This is your third thesis research assistance guide. Please share it with other thesis groups as needed.

Reminder: As you complete each chapter of your thesis, submit it to Kate and Karin for editing and feedback on grammar, structure/organization, clarity, spelling, etcetera. They are available to you throughout 1999 to assist you in polishing your writing skills.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Jean Menzel M.Ed. Partnerships Program Coord. University College Duluth UMD 218/726-6938


-- Anonymous, March 15, 1999

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