Wired's Y2K electricity cover story

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

if y'all haven't seen this yet, pick it up. i'm only partway through, but it's interesting reading so far. it's the april issue, all black (to symbolize a blackout). the black lettering says "lights out." it also quotes rick's views (p 175), although not rick himself. that part of it comes across more as a summary of my interview with rick (though it doesn't say so). this issue has 4 y2k stories, 2 on power (in addition to the main power story, there's stuff on the auckland blackout). the other 2 deal with code & texaco's y2k project. what i've read so far has been good, and it's worth passing on to those who don't take y2k seriously (yet). wired doesn't post its stuff to the net until after it's off the newstands.


-- Anonymous, March 20, 1999


Drew, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're finally seeing some real exposure in the media on these critical issues. I have noticed that your CBN web site is constantly in the forefront on this matter. BTW, is the shift key broken on your keyboard? :-P

-- Anonymous, March 21, 1999


nope- i'm just lazy :) actually, i've written my personal notes like this for 20 years...

the wired author confirmed to me by e-mail today that he did indeed use my interview with rick, after rick recommended it to him, along with his own conversations with rick & others.

i have not read all of the wired special issue, but what i have read so far has been good.

-- Anonymous, March 22, 1999

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