IHS For Chris [What does "IHS" mean?]

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Dear Brother in Christ Chris

I was a little embaresed to ask my Priest this but what does IHS mean?

-- E.H.Weiss (weisse@urgentmail.com), March 21, 1999


Response to IHS For Chris

Dear H. S.:

the answer is as simple as this:

Iesus = latin for JESUS

Hominum = latin for OF MEN

Salvator = latin for SAVIOR

So IHS= Jesus Savior of men

-- ENRIQUE ORTIZ (eaortiz@yahoo.com), March 21, 1999.

Response to IHS For Chris

Dear Erique

Thank you so much!

-- E.H.Weiss (weisse@urgentmail.com), March 22, 1999.

Another, equally valid suggestion is that it's the first three letters of His name, in Greek iota--eta--sigma. The second one is usually written like a Latin 'h'.

Pax et bonum,

-- Oliver Schrinner (piraya@hispavista.com), March 05, 2001.

Who are Isis, Horus, and Seb, then?

-- Joel (BlueshoundgE@yahoo.com), February 15, 2002.

Dear Moderator, please delete Joel's typical nonsense. It comes right from a Jack Chik tract (the three names being those of Egyptian "deities").

-- (jfgecik@hotmail.com), February 16, 2002.


Seb is the God of the Earth, son of Ra and Tefnut. Ra and Tefnut also had a daughter Nat, the Goddess of the Sky. Seb and Nat had several children, and Isis was one of them. She was a great magician, and tricked Ra into revealing the "word of power" for magical creation to her when he was old and feeble. She also is responsible for the yearly flooding of the Nile by her tears. Osiris was her husband, and Horus was her son. Horus became the Sky God, and interestingly had a similar childhood trauma to Moses (being hidden in papyrus thickets to keep from being killed by Osiris' killer Seth). I know, I know, Moses wasn't being chased by Seth, but by Pharoah but they both are Egyptian!

Anyway, what does any of this have to do with Christianity, or Catholicism? Or does your "independent" reading of the Bible lead you to believe in Egyptian mythology as well? It wouldn't suprise me, to tell the truth, you don't seem to WANT to know anything about true Christianity. You know joel, if you DO believe in the Egyptian myths as being true, why not go to a "new age" site for awhile? They let you believe whatever you want, and *everyone's* interpretation is "true"! You'll like it there.


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), February 17, 2002.

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