dIetRE archive? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

dIetRE honey, do you have archived all of your postings to this NG? I remember reading that you you were willing to typeset the whole forum, but we just want yOuR posts :) Are we related? Your name is similar to mine!

-- have q's? (, March 22, 1999


Here is a thread containing his original postings:

October 1998 postings

-- Just me (, March 22, 1999.

HuH???? NIEn!!!!! WhO IS wE????? NaMEs aND SERiaL NumBeRS PLeASE????? DIEteR HaS No reLatIOns TO HumANS NoT YeT PoD ABSorBED, YeS???? NATurLiCH!!!! TImE FOR You toO MOvE ALonG NoW LittLE OnE!!!! BEgoNE!!!! BE NoT FOoLisH AGaiN!!!!

-- Dieter (, March 22, 1999.

New Y2K Compliant Cereal

DIEteR ALphA bItS©!
iN vIViD FRuiTy cOLorS!

REadY tOO eAt STrAigHT FrOm BOx!!!!! hUH???!!!! yOU buY YeS??? nOO??? sTOckPILe mANy CaSEs MUch fUn AFtER EAtinG aS WEll!!! fInd PrETty CoLOreD PaTtErnS iN sTOoL!!!! hUH???? whAT!!! fREe pRIze DIEteR sPELl-CHEck sOFTwaRe InsIDE eVEry boX!!!!! yOU wILl buY????? jA??? nIEn???? DO Not hURt DIetERs bRAin wITH DeMAndiNG MucHLy tOO LatE; yOU bUY eaRLY!!!! YeS????

-- "not" Dieter (spit@llthecolorsof.rainbow), March 23, 1999.

sign me up for a case! if only for the 'SpELl cHECkeR'. i can see my latest report nnow

-- lurker (, March 24, 1999.

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