What happens to messages...(Admin Note)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

In the recent past, there was a concern raised that some messages in the euy2k.com forum were being deleted because I, as the forum moderator, didn't agree with them. Such is not the case. In one instance where this concern was brought directly to my attention via email, I found the message that was allegedly missing.


After 14 days, messages automatically roll into archive and DO NOT SHOW UP on the main index page. This is to prevent the main index page from becoming unmanageable and unnecessarily cluttered. Archived messages can be found either by doing a key word search or looking under the appropriate topic at the bottom of the index.

Just to reiterate, the only messages that are ever deleted from this forum are those that are totally off topic or are overt advertisements for goods or services. If you feel that some past posting which was relevant was deleted, and you can't find it using the above techniques, please let me know and I'll try to locate it for you.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 1999

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