A David Icke link for Spidey

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

A link for Spidey - the recent Jeff Rense radio link is pretty up to date on Clinton's antics in Yugoslavia and plans for us over the next few years - God help us all.


-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), April 03, 1999


I notice that David Icke still displays blatant factual errors on his web site despite having been notified of them three times and having been given a URL at which he could doublecheck for himself. Apparently, redesigning the buttons on his web page has higher priority than correcting these errors.

In his article "Y2K: Incompetence or Genius?" he lists six Executive Orders (#10995, 10997-11000, and 11002) which, according to him, "are just a few of the powers that will become law when the Y2K 'state of emergency' is introduced".

But nowhere does he mention that every one of those EOs was revoked in either 1969 or 1970. Not one of them actually is or could be in effect. None of them could "become law".

(You can check this out for yourself at http://www.nara.gov/fedr eg/eo1962.html which lists the legal disposition of all EOs issued by President Kennedy in 1962. Mr. Icke was informed of this resource in February.)

I know that Mr. Icke did in fact read my message informing him of these things, because I received a direct reply from him which quoted portions of my message. On two later occasions, a member of his staff responded, saying she would bring it to his attention. In one of them, she added that they had been doinbg extensive work on the web site.

I recommend that one treat David Icke's statements with high skepticism as to their factual basis.

Clearly he values a polished appearance (just look at what he presents when you first view his site!) more than accuracy of substance.

-- No Spam Please (No_Spam_Please@anon_ymous.com), April 03, 1999.

I remember you pointing this out before No Spam - and I'm surprised that David has not retracted his position on the minutiae. All I can say is that he is in the middle of a massive book tour at the moment. I don't want to disregard what you've said, as it IS extremely important, but the general thrust of his argument is not changed one iota - in that there are an excedingly high number of EO's that allow Clinton (and they have been passed at an alarming rate over the last few years on his "watch" HA!) to basically do what he likes with impunity.

There are no consequences for him - he can do what he likes.

He can virtually declare war now without congressional approval - what do you make of THAT? He has interfered with other countries 33 times since he started in office in 1991/2.

The USA since 1946-91 got involved 8 times. This ratio is staggering.

Let me see 45 yrs = 8 wars/skirmshes/acts of aggression.

Clinton = 8 yrs and 33 entanglements.

And people wonder why the USA is unpopular and regarded as a bully throughout the world...

However your point is well taken.

later, Andy

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), April 03, 1999.

Andy (and other anti-Clintonites),

Okay, you've done it. I'm going to spout off now because I've just seen too much anti-Clinton ignorance, exaggeration, and propaganda recently.


I dwell on those because they are easily-summarized concrete examples of the general factual carelessness I've seen over and over and over in arguments like his.

>All I can say is that he is in the middle of a massive book tour at the moment.

My experience makes me suspicious of the substance of such books.

>but the general thrust of his argument is not changed one iota - in that there are an excedingly high number of EO's that allow Clinton (and they have been passed at an alarming rate over the last few years on his "watch" HA!) to basically do what he likes with impunity.

On the contrary! His argument (which I think originated elsewhere because he seems to have copied his factual errors from other sources I've seen) is based on the supposition that the facts he presents in support of it are correct.

"an excedingly high number of EO's" -- (I've seen another site claim that Clinton has issued more EOs than any other president. Wrong!) If the people who are making these anti-Clinton arguments were to restrict themselves to the actual numbers, they'd have to admit that the number of EOs issued by Clinton is in fact less than the number issued by four of our previous seven presidents.

Yes, in number of EOs issued so far, Clinton ranks only fifth among the most recent eight U.S. presidents.

"an alarming rate over the last few years" -- _Reagan_, not Clinton, ranks first in number of EOs issued per year. Was it all right for Reagan to issue more EOs per year than any other president in the past four decades (probably the past five, but I don't have figures on Truman -- probably the past seven, but I don't have figures on FDR)? Is it all right to state or imply that Clinton has done so, when in fact he hasn't?

Were you alarmed at the rate at which _Reagan_ issued EOs? Were you alarmed at _Reagan's_ all-time record number of vetoes in his first year of office?

What's your definition of "exceedingly high number" in the context of EOs?

>There are no consequences for him - he can do what he likes.

B*llcr*p. That his critics accuse him of bypassing the Constitution does not make it so -- it only shows their [ignorance or malice - which?]. If your statement were true, why did he get impeached?

>He can virtually declare war now without congressional approval - what do you make of THAT?

Exactly what practically-war-declaring power does Clinton have that any other recent president has not had?

>He has interfered with other countries 33 times since he started in office in 1991/2.

Clinton did not take office until 1993. Bush was president during the entire calendar years of 1991 and 1992.

See? That's another way of inflating the anti-Clinton figures. Just redefine the presidential term of office.

>This ratio is staggering.

[Skipping, for a moment, that the implied ratio of 33 to 8 is totally bogus ... !]

(a) That's what you get when you end the Cold War wherein each superpower kept the other restrained.

(b) Any reasonable comparison, I think, has to count the U.S. involvement in Vietnam (i.e., South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, for those who love to count up the subdivisions a la Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia) as significantly greater than any other in the periods you mention.

Even counting Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia all put together as equal to just South (or North!) Vietnam is purely political crapola. Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC to get proper perspective. Find a source for number of POWs and MIAs in North Vietnam alone.

>The USA since 1946-91 got involved 8 times. -- Let's count. ("Involved" apparently means simply any time U.S. troops are present in another country, since that is the only way to justify any count of over a dozen for Clinton. And you DO agree that we have to use the same definitions for 1946-1992 as we do for the Clinton era, don't you?)

This is going to be only approximately chronological order...

Japan, Germany (occupying forces). North Korea, South Korea (remember, since the Clinton era count includes every possible subdivision, so does the pre-Clinton era), China (yes, some of those fliers did stray). Philippines (major naval base), Guam (ditto), Marshall Islands -- here there are several other Pacific Ocean entities (bases - ditto) but I won't bother looking them up unless you're going to seriously insist on a recount later so temporarily they're not counted but if you quibble I'll haul out my atlas and encyclopedia and go to work. [Hey, we got eight already!]

Haiti (most people forget that we've been there more than once -- I'll temporarily count it only once, but in case of recount...), Dominican Republic, Panama Canal Zone. SouthVietnam/NorthVietnam/Laos/Cambodia. Nicaragua, Guatemala (Reagan may not remember, but they happened anyway.) Panama outside the Canal Zone (remember, when you start counting subdivisions on one side of the argument, ...). Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia (remember the SCUD missile casualties?). Iran (helicopters in a sandstorm). What's the count so far -- 22? Whoever came up with 8 for 1946-1991 vs. 33 for Clinton clearly did not have a good reference almanac handy.

Shall I continue by actually opening my almanac, or will you concede my point that this mythical 8:33 intervention ratio is a bunch of hooey?

>Let me see 45 yrs = 8 wars/skirmshes/acts of aggression. >Clinton = 8 yrs and 33 entanglements.

Let's see. Historical facts vs. vicious political lies.

>And people wonder why the USA is unpopular and regarded as a bully throughout the world...

And anti-Clintonites wonder why there's any backlash support for him.

>However your point is well taken.

Yours, or rather the ones you've been misled by without doublechecking facts, are not.

-- No Spam Please (No_Spam_Please@anon_ymous.com), April 03, 1999.


May we have a list of the 8 involvements in 1946-1991, the supposed 33 interferences/entanglements of the Clinton administration, dates for all those that occurred in 1991 and 1992 (and the first three weeks of January 1993) so that we may properly transfer credit for those to the pre-Clinton era?

Also, for the sake of making sure that the same standards have been applied to the computations for pre-Clinton and Clinton eras may we have precise definitions of "virtually declare war" (apologies for getting that wrong in my preceding post) "interfered", "involved", "wars", "skirmishes", "acts of aggression", "entanglement", and "bully" (the last is optional)?

(You DO agree that when throwing around numbers like 33 and 8 it is only fair to use the same definitions on both sides, don't you?)

-- No Spam Please (No_Spam_Please@anon_ymous.com), April 03, 1999.

No Spam,

Thanks for taking the trouble to investigate this piece and I will answer you as best I can. I can see I've touched a nerve - apologies if I've raised the old blood pressure but what is being played out here is not pleasant.

Andy (and other anti-Clintonites), Okay, you've done it. I'm going to spout off now because I've just seen too much anti-Clinton ignorance, exaggeration, and propaganda recently.


I dwell on those because they are easily-summarized concrete examples of the general factual carelessness I've seen over and over and over in arguments like his.

####### I know you do No Spam - I'm sure it comes from being a programmer. However, sometimes when dwelling on the minutiae (sp) one can miss the wood from the trees. It's important to look at the big picture, the broad context of history, what REALLY happened, what is happening NOW and what is PLANNED. #######

>All I can say is that he is in the middle of a massive book tour at the moment.

My experience makes me suspicious of the substance of such books.

####### Now No Spam you have got my dander up! Your comment above "such books" indicates that you have not even read them have you? Come on, admit it. His last two major books are weel worth reading and I would appreciate your comments on them - why, No Spam, you could even spring for his new one as I have. At the very least you would do well to listen to david on the Jeff Rense archives to understand where he and I are coming from. #######

>but the general thrust of his argument is not changed one iota - in that there are an excedingly high number of EO's that allow Clinton (and they have been passed at an alarming rate over the last few years on his "watch" HA!) to basically do what he likes with impunity.

On the contrary! His argument (which I think originated elsewhere because he seems to have copied his factual errors from other sources I've seen) is based on the supposition that the facts he presents in support of it are correct.

"an excedingly high number of EO's" -- (I've seen another site claim that Clinton has issued more EOs than any other president. Wrong!) If the people who are making these anti-Clinton arguments were to restrict themselves to the actual numbers, they'd have to admit that the number of EOs issued by Clinton is in fact less than the number issued by four of our previous seven presidents.

####### I am no expert in these matters, being but a humble and lowly Brit living in these strange and forbidding climes, so i bow to your superior knowledge. The thrust of my reading on this subject indicates that Clinton is way up their in the EO stakes - perhaps more importantly he is way up there from what I have read in the substance of what he has signed off on, the impact to the populace of the power being gathered. If you are correct, and I have no reason to disbelieve you, it indicates that executive power has already been firmly prepared by previous Presidents. #######

Yes, in number of EOs issued so far, Clinton ranks only fifth among the most recent eight U.S. presidents.

"an alarming rate over the last few years" -- _Reagan_, not Clinton, ranks first in number of EOs issued per year. Was it all right for Reagan to issue more EOs per year than any other president in the past four decades (probably the past five, but I don't have figures on Truman -- probably the past seven, but I don't have figures on FDR)? Is it all right to state or imply that Clinton has done so, when in fact he hasn't?

Were you alarmed at the rate at which _Reagan_ issued EOs? Were you alarmed at _Reagan's_ all-time record number of vetoes in his first year of office?

What's your definition of "exceedingly high number" in the context of EOs?

####### See my comments above. Perhaps I am indeed wrong - I would suggest to you that there are a number of sites and individuals out there who would vehemently disagree with you! again, No Spam, remember the wood from the trees. #######

>There are no consequences for him - he can do what he likes.

B*llcr*p. That his critics accuse him of bypassing the Constitution does not make it so -- it only shows their [ignorance or malice - which?]. If your statement were true, why did he get impeached?

####### Not bullcrap No Spam. Clinton has gone in, according to my sources, and I stand by them, 33 times without consulting the American people. That simple. Was this the intention of the founding fathers? I think not.

As for the Iimpeachment - it was a disgrace. He got off. Guilty, but got off. reminds me of the recent Lennox lewis / Evander hollyfield fight :) #######

>He can virtually declare war now without congressional approval - what do you make of THAT?

Exactly what practically-war-declaring power does Clinton have that any other recent president has not had?

####### You tell me but 33 times is a little excessive isn't it. My god this country is sticking it's oar in in so many places that the citizenry now couldn't care less - it happens so often that people are inured (sp) to it! is this not so? Seen many demonstrations a la Vietnam lately? #######

>He has interfered with other countries 33 times since he started in office in 1991/2.

Clinton did not take office until 1993. Bush was president during the entire calendar years of 1991 and 1992.

See? That's another way of inflating the anti-Clinton figures. Just redefine the presidential term of office.

####### I'll say upfront that I got my figures from the March 29th Jeff Rense radio show - listen to it yourself - broadcast to plus or minus a million or so people (I don't know how many lsiten) - I trust Jeff Rense to be accurate with his figures so there you have it. 8 and 33 were quoted several times. Why not write to him yourself for a breakdown - I know that you are going to listen to the archives aren't you so you will be able to take Jeff on too. #######

>This ratio is staggering.

[Skipping, for a moment, that the implied ratio of 33 to 8 is totally bogus ... !]

####### Bogus says who. You write to Jeff rense and accuse him of being a liar - I'm not going to do it. Come back if you get different figures. #######

(a) That's what you get when you end the Cold War wherein each superpower kept the other restrained.

####### the "Cold War" was a sham designed to generate wealth for the elite by escaliting armamemt production and worldwide conflict. As I said No Spam read the books and then debatye me on this. Until you do you can't take apart Icke's views can you? #######

(b) Any reasonable comparison, I think, has to count the U.S. involvement in Vietnam (i.e., South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, for those who love to count up the subdivisions a la Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia) as significantly greater than any other in the periods you mention.

Even counting Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia all put together as equal to just South (or North!) Vietnam is purely political crapola. Visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC to get proper perspective. Find a source for number of POWs and MIAs in North Vietnam alone.

>The USA since 1946-91 got involved 8 times. -- Let's count. ("Involved" apparently means simply any time U.S. troops are present in another country, since that is the only way to justify any count of over a dozen for Clinton. And you DO agree that we have to use the same definitions for 1946-1992 as we do for the Clinton era, don't you?)

This is going to be only approximately chronological order...

Japan, Germany (occupying forces). North Korea, South Korea (remember, since the Clinton era count includes every possible subdivision, so does the pre-Clinton era), China (yes, some of those fliers did stray). Philippines (major naval base), Guam (ditto), Marshall Islands -- here there are several other Pacific Ocean entities (bases - ditto) but I won't bother looking them up unless you're going to seriously insist on a recount later so temporarily they're not counted but if you quibble I'll haul out my atlas and encyclopedia and go to work. [Hey, we got eight already!]

Haiti (most people forget that we've been there more than once -- I'll temporarily count it only once, but in case of recount...), Dominican Republic, Panama Canal Zone. SouthVietnam/NorthVietnam/Laos/Cambodia. Nicaragua, Guatemala (Reagan may not remember, but they happened anyway.) Panama outside the Canal Zone (remember, when you start counting subdivisions on one side of the argument, ...). Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia (remember the SCUD missile casualties?). Iran (helicopters in a sandstorm). What's the count so far -- 22? Whoever came up with 8 for 1946-1991 vs. 33 for Clinton clearly did not have a good reference almanac handy.

Shall I continue by actually opening my almanac, or will you concede my point that this mythical 8:33 intervention ratio is a bunch of hooey?

####### No I won't concede this. You write to Jrff Rense and accuse him of the above and I'll accept his reply. Fair enough? #######

>Let me see 45 yrs = 8 wars/skirmshes/acts of aggression. >Clinton = 8 yrs and 33 entanglements.

Let's see. Historical facts vs. vicious political lies.

>And people wonder why the USA is unpopular and regarded as a bully throughout the world...

####### I'm very serious about the USA being regarded worldwide as a bully. Do a little travelling and you'll soon see. #######

And anti-Clintonites wonder why there's any backlash support for him.

>However your point is well taken.

Yours, or rather the ones you've been misled by without doublechecking facts, are not.

####### We'll see soon enough when you get your reply. #######

Andy, May we have a list of the 8 involvements in 1946-1991, the supposed 33 interferences/entanglements of the Clinton administration, dates for all those that occurred in 1991 and 1992 (and the first three weeks of January 1993) so that we may properly transfer credit for those to the pre-Clinton era?

Also, for the sake of making sure that the same standards have been applied to the computations for pre-Clinton and Clinton eras may we have precise definitions of "virtually declare war" (apologies for getting that wrong in my preceding post) "interfered", "involved", "wars", "skirmishes", "acts of aggression", "entanglement", and "bully" (the last is optional)?

(You DO agree that when throwing around numbers like 33 and 8 it is only fair to use the same definitions on both sides, don't you?)

####### See my comments above. i was trying to be PC with my labels above rather thans say what I really feel about the use of the "big stick" constantly by the USA.

Enough already.

Leave the rest of the world alone. #######

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), April 03, 1999.

No Spam,

I wrote to Jeff rense and just got this reply...

"From: eotl@west.net [SMTP:eotl@west.net] Sent: Sunday, April 04, 1999 1:05 AM To: Andy Subject: Re: Recent Statement on the March 29th show by Jeff Rense and David Icke

Hi Andy,

Here is the link to the article I quoted from:


Metcalf has an outstanding reputation and is a top talk show host in SF.

His article was originally posted on Joe Farah's enormously popular www.worldnetdaily.com site.

Thanks for your care and concern. I think you'll find the article to be outstanding. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Give 'em hell.

Best regards,


>Jeff Rense and David Icke have been accused of being liars on the Ed Yourdon >Y2K forum after their recent statement on the Sightings show. This forum >gets extremely high hits every single day. > >Jeff stated the following, and David concurred...:- > >>From 1946-1991 the USA got involved in 8 wars/overseas entanglements > >>From 1992 - present under Clinton we have gone in 33 times. > >Can anyone cite a link or breakdown for this as I want to defend Jeff's and >David's reputations. > >Thanks, > >Andy - keep up the great work David and Jeff!!!"

just for you...

The American Military's Massive Decline Under Clinton

The Excrement Of Propaganda

By Geoff Metcalf



From 1946 to 1991 the United States of America deployed military troops to eight foreign campaigns. From 1992 to the present (The Clinton reign), the United States of America has deployed military troops to 33 foreign places.

The Internet tends to recycle significant data as the network of telling 10 people to tell 10 people to tell 10 people expands. Recently I received a gaggle of messages listing data I had reported in a September 1998 WorldNetDaily column.

* 709,000 regular (active duty) service personnel

* 293,000 reserve troops

* Eight standing army divisions

* 20 air force and navy air wings with

* 2,000 combat aircraft

* 232 strategic bombers

* 13 strategic ballistic missile submarines with

* 3,114 nuclear warheads on 232 missiles

* 500 ICBMs with 1,950 warheads

* Four aircraft carriers

* 121 surface combat ships and submarines, plus all the support bases, shipyards and logistical assets needed to sustain such a naval force.

All of the above are GONE ... history ... they have been attrited by the Bill Clinton "Reduction in Force" from the military of the United States of America. A foreign enemy did not destroy those significant assets. They were not combat losses. Those military assets have been eliminated by civilian political policy wonks.

I am also attempting to determine Have the mainstream media mandarins alerted you to our military atrophy? Have you seen it on ABC, NBC, CBS or the Clinton News Network (CNN)?

The Clinton department of propaganda has succeeded (kinda) in suppressing a significant protest, which has gone virtually unreported. Some of us have been complaining about the "perfumed princes" (Colonel Hackworth's phrase) in the Pentagon. The complaint has been "... why don't you military types DO or SAY something about the serial absurdities of the administration's foreign policy?"

Well, in fairness, we know the military can't itch and moan about their civilian leaders. However, they can, and have done something. According to what I consider reliable sources, in 1997 24 -- count 'em, twenty-four -- generals retired early. I am still in the processing of confirming names, dates and replacements (if any). On July 7, 1997, in what is being called a mass protest over the conditions in the military (primarily because of administration policy) 24 generals quit. They reportedly had fought a losing battle to correct, modify, or mitigate the politically correct, operational tempo, and repeated "hey you" deployments. They tried to address the problems with readiness (or lack of) and pay. They tried, and they failed to compel the administration to fix what is wrong. Then, in a final act of courage and commitment (two concepts alien to this administration), they ALL went to see Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen, and RESIGNED. Twenty-four general officers representing 600 years of combined military experience tendered their resignations. THAT is a big deal. ... So why haven't we heard about it?

The White House and Cohen reportedly told them, what they (the generals) were trying to do, would not be allowed. Those twenty-four generals were not going to be allowed the publicity that the mass resignations were intended to achieve. According to multiple sources, the generals, who had committed their lives to serving their country, were threatened with court martial. However, that wasn't apparently a big enough stick for the illegitimate spawn of maximum spin control. The non-disclosure statements (of the generals) were changed in order to include a NEW requirement. The amended (ex post facto) non- disclosure statements compel the generals not to discuss their resignations. Failure to comply would result in punishment and loss of retirement benefits. If that sounds like blackmail ... it is.

So how could the office of propaganda cover up the mass resignations of 24 generals? Allegedly, Cohen informed them they would not be replaced. Their positions would be streamlined and their previous duties would be spread out among remaining generals. The "spin" was a tongue in cheek: "Thanks for helping us consolidate general officer slots in the wake of reductions in force."

So how DO you hide the resignations of 24 generals? Well, you don't announce the resignations en masse; you spread them out over several months. Which is just what happened. Less than a half dozen of the vacated positions were refilled.

If or when the Department of Defense provides us with a list of all resignations by general officers since July of 1997 including names, rank, last duty assignment and date of separation, we will post it here on WorldNetDaily.

Meanwhile, this Kosovo absurdity hangs like another millstone around the neck of career military strategists. The Pentagon reportedly warned the president that joining NATO in an offensive "created more problems than it solves."

Clinton reportedly has become the personification of my clichi that "Some people just don't want to be confused with FACTS which contradict their preconceived opinions." Bill-Jeff was/is determined to send bombers, and doesn't give Jack-spit about the professional opinions or insights of military planners. According to a source quoted in Capital Hill Blue, "This campaign is a White House operation, not a military action. ..." Tell that to the U.S. servicemen who have and will bleed and die. One professional planner warned the "Commander in Grief," "... there could be sizable and unnecessary U.S. casualties."

In what must have been dij` vu all over again for Defense honcho Bill Cohen, the disagreement between the military and the White House got SO heated that Cohen warned the Joint Chiefs to "keep their troops in line on this one." Remember: this administration has a history of ignoring the advice of military and intelligence experts, preferring to listen to appointees who won't let facts get in the way of their blowing smoke up the skirts of their patrons.

Capital Hill Blue reported "The tension here is incredible," says one military source. "We have officers who talk privately of defying orders, but no one is willing to risk their career to stand up to the president of the United States. It just isn't done."

Well, in July of 1997 24 generals DID stand up to the president of the United States. They were willing, and in fact, DID risk their careers. Who are these men? Where are these men?

) 1999 Western Journalism Center

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), April 04, 1999.


the figures Andy stated above re "8 to 33" are on the following site:

http://www.worldnetdaily.com/ bluesky_metcalf/ 19990329_xcgme_the_excrem.shtml

here's the quote:


----"The excrement of propaganda by Geoff Metcalf

From 1946 to 1991 the United States of America deployed military troops to eight foreign campaigns. From 1992 to the present (The Clinton reign), the United States of America has deployed military troops to 33 foreign places."-----

end SNIP

maybe you should email Mr. Metcalf (metcalfksfo@earthlink.net) and ask him where he got his figures.....

this article further states:


"709,000 regular (active duty) service personnel

293,000 reserve troops

Eight standing army divisions

20 air force and navy air wings with

2,000 combat aircraft

232 strategic bombers

13 strategic ballistic missile submarines with

3,114 nuclear warheads on 232 missiles

500 ICBMs with 1,950 warheads

Four aircraft carriers

121 surface combat ships and submarines, plus all the support bases, shipyards and logistical assets needed to sustain such a naval force.

All of the above are GONE ... history ... they have been attrited by the Bill Clinton "Reduction in Force" from the military of the United States of America. A foreign enemy did not destroy those significant assets. They were not combat losses. Those military assets have been eliminated by civilian political policy wonks."

end SNIP

and now here he (Klinton) has us on the verge of really needing this stuff!

actually.....the WHOLE above noted url/ article is very eye-opening......the main gist of this article is:

yet another SNIP

---"On July 7, 1997, in what is being called a mass protest over the conditions in the military (primarily because of administration policy) 24 generals quit."---

end SNIP

hope this clears things up a bit

-- andrea (mebsmebs@hotmail.com), April 04, 1999.

WOW! you're quick, Andy!

beat me to da punch!

-- andrea (mebsmebs@hotmail.com), April 04, 1999.

No - thank YOU andrea - you would have saved me some work but it was nice to talk to Jeff Rense - the guy is a pro, answered my e-mail within 10 minutes after his show.

Thanks andrea!!!

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), April 04, 1999.

Andrea, Andy

I notice that you, like the article's author Geoff Metcalf, provide not one single example of either the "eight foreign campaigns" or the "33 foreign places". Why not?

Nor do I see any defense of Metcalf's apples-to-oranges comparison of "campaigns" to "places". Why do you think it is all right to present such an obviously absurd comparison as criticism of Clinton?

-- No Spam Please (No_Spam_Please@anon_ymous.com), April 04, 1999.

No Spam,

Take a look at the other link.

In the meantime are you going to answer my response to you - I asked you several questions, what have you to say.

Did you read any of Icke's books? did you listen to the radio show yet?

-- Andy (2000EOD@prodigy.net), April 04, 1999.


>However, sometimes when dwelling on the minutiae (sp) one can miss the wood from the trees. It's important to look at the big picture, the broad context of history, what REALLY happened, what is happening NOW and what is PLANNED.

Then why not look at what REALLY happened in 1946-1992 amd 1993-present in relation to the "8:33" ratio?

In a few paragraphs, I'm going to demolish the claims about Clinton's having issued some especially high number of EOs. Think about whether the people from whom you got that supposed information cared one twit about what REALLY happened and what is happening NOW in the context of their claims.

I recommend that you get a new set of sources, at least for information about Clinton.

How old are you? Were you alive during the Vietnam era?

>(and they have been passed at an alarming rate over the last few years on his "watch" HA!)

Did David Icke tell you that?

>I am no expert in these matters, being but a humble and lowly Brit living in these strange and forbidding climes, so i bow to your superior knowledge.

You don't have to! Go to Federal Register - List of Executive Orders at http://www.nara.gov/fedreg/eo.html to see for yourself!

You don't even have to count EOs. Just a few subtractions of the ranges of EO numbers issued by each president yields the data to which I referred.

Apparently, I did miscount or something, however, in calculating some of the average number of EOs issued per year -- Carter, rather than Reagan, issued EOs at the fastest rate. My apologies for the false assertion about Reagan in my earlier posting. Apparently I mixed up two separate calculations, and did not apply the same rigor to verifying my own written notes as I try to do when checking Internet sources.

Clinton has issued 282 EOs (as of March 25 -- average of 46/year so far),

Reagan issued 381 (48/year),
Nixon issued 346 (62/year),
Johnson issued 324 (63/year),
Carter issued 320 (80/year),
Kennedy issued 214 (76/year),
Ford issued 169 (70/year), and
Bush issued 166 (42/year).

Note that, quite the contrary to anti-Clinton propaganda, the rate at which he has issued EOs is not only FAR from being the fastest of the past eight presidents, but he ranks only 7th out of 8 -- next to last.

>perhaps more importantly he is way up there from what I have read in the substance of what he has signed off on, the impact to the populace of the power being gathered. If you are correct, and I have no reason to disbelieve you, it indicates that executive power has already been firmly prepared by previous Presidents.

You really need to get a new set of sources. If you look at the *actual contents* of presidential EOs, not just the summaries given by Clinton critics, you'll find that many of them are very routine administrative stuff, and many of the rest are simply reversing or revising EOs issued by a preceding President of the opposite political party. If you have no reason to disbelieve me, then accept my assurance that most of the anti-Clinton propaganda about EOs has no factual basis, but also my advice to check the actual contents for yourself.

There are legitimate concerns about shifts in balance of power in the U.S. government, but the role of EOs in that has been vastly overstated by Clinton critics who take advantage of the fact that Clinton has made all his EOs readily accessible online, whereas it is harder to find those of his predecessors online. Clinton's EOs make easy targets for those who don't compare (or don't want their readers to compare) them to earlier EOs.

>>What's your definition of "exceedingly high number" in the context of EOs?
>####### See my comments above. Perhaps I am indeed wrong - I would suggest to you that there are a number of sites and individuals out there who would vehemently disagree with you! again, No Spam, remember the wood from the trees. #######

Vehement disagreement does not indicate that those disagreeing with me care much about getting the facts straight. See above.

>Clinton has gone in, according to my sources, and I stand by them, 33 times without consulting the American people.

You're standing by liars, Andy. I recommend that you separate yourself from them and find new sources.

>Was this the intention of the founding fathers? I think not.

But neither was it the truth about Clinton. Get new sources.

>>Exactly what practically-war-declaring power does Clinton have that any other recent president has not had?
>####### You tell me

No, Andy, YOU tell me. Because your assertion is false. I want you to do some fact-checking from reliable sources.

>but 33 times is a little excessive isn't it.

Of course, it is. Or rather it would be, if it were true. But it's false.

>My god this country is sticking it's oar in in so many places that the citizenry now couldn't care less - it happens so often that people are inured (sp) to it!

... or, alternatively, your sources have misled you as to the actual extent of the oar-sticking. That would explain the apparent inurement, wouldn't it?

>Seen many demonstrations a la Vietnam lately?

No, for the very simple reason that there has been no U.S. military involvement comparable to Vietnam lately. Sources who tell you otherwise are in contradiction to reality.

>March 29th Jeff Rense radio show - listen to it yourself

I don't have the software. Besides which, I'm not disputing the accuracy of *your report* about what is claimed on that show. What I'm disputing is the accuracy of what is claimed, which I'm willing to trust is sufficiently similar to your report so as not to matter.

>I trust Jeff Rense to be accurate with his figures so there you have it.

Based on what I see in comparison with reliable sources, your trust may be misplaced.

>8 and 33 were quoted several times. Why not write to him yourself for a breakdown

I wrote to Geoff Metcalf, author of the article.

>read the books and then debate me on this.

The evidence I see is that the books are full of misinformation. I don't have the money to waste. If Icke had responded to my messages by showing that he had respect for factual accuracy, I'd have a higher expectation for his books.

>Until you do you can't take apart Icke's views can you?

I can read his articles on his web site. When he shows me there that he respects factual accuracy, I'll consider paying for his books.

>I'm very serious about the USA being regarded worldwide as a bully. Do a little travelling and you'll soon see.

I'm not disputing your statement. Perhaps my request for definition of "bully" was misleading. I've done some travelling.

-- No Spam Please (No_Spam_Please@anon_ymous.com), April 04, 1999.

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