HP Film/Photo Scannergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
HP has re-introduced the Photo Scanner with USB output.I have heard that the earlier SCSI version is available cheap. It is identical except for the interface.
Any ideas where the SCSI version can be found?
-- David Putnam (dputnam@res-finance.com), April 05, 1999
David: I have both. My SCSI is for sale (send me an email if you are interested). Now - for the difference. The new one (it's called the S20 model) has 36 bit color depth as opposed to 30 bits on the SCSI model. The new one has only USB, the SCSI is only SCSI. The new one has all new software - but I liked the old software better. As for quality - I use Photoshop - which only supports 24 bit color so the extra 6 bits don't do anything for me (but I like the USB). Both scanners are physically identical. Both produce the same quality scans in my opinion. There is a review on the web for the new one - but I think the description of the "newtons rings" produced by the old scanner are not well investigated - in EVERY case when a scan produced these rings on my slides I was able to eliminate them by going to the next higher resolution on BOTH the SCSI and USB models. If you need the extra color depth and the USB get the new one - if you don't, get the old one. IMHO the quality of output between the two is identical at 24 bits! I use the HP Photosmart Printer for printing and frankly, the results are stunning. By the way - you can not use the new software on the old scanner, or visa versa.Des
-- Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), April 06, 1999.
The analysis by Dan Desjardins (dan.desjardins@avstarnews.com), April 06, 1999 is very good and informative.BTW, David, you can buy the SCSI scanner at PC Zone for $379.98 (T and S&H included). They delivered the piece to my home. Call Nillsson at 1 800 248 0800 ext 3919 for ordering.
-- Sriram M. Nadiminti (nadiminti@hotmail.com), April 18, 1999.