HELP!!!PLEASE!!! : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Okay my VP life at the moment is PURE HELL. Since they have allowed Mega's everywhere now I am suffering big time. It seems that because I am on a MAC everytime someone comes in a room in VP with a MEGA my whole system freezes. Its quite strange. It only happens when they turn their mega's on or off or when there are more than one in a room :( One night I crashed about 8 times in a row then gave up. If anyone has ANY idea what I can do to stop this or why it might be happening please let me know. At the moment I can't do anything about it except ask excite for advice. It used to be okay because mega's weren't allowed and we could just ask them nicely to turn them off but now they are allowed (Since Easter weekend) and there are even more. Luckily not very many seem to come into Exile though. Anyway I'm babbling. If anyone has any ideas they'd be really appreciated. Thanks so much for your help, Nyx (A VERY frustrated Goddess)

-- VenustheGoddess (, April 13, 1999


Ummm... I'd better change my cookies on here...seems it has my old name!! *smile* To all those who don't know I'm Nyx now... See ya

-- Nyx (, April 13, 1999.

I'm not sure if the problem is really just with the Mega heads or a coincidence. Several people are having severe boot and crash problems lately. Especially llew and Jenga. I'm not on a a Mac but I've had one heck of a time just getting into Vplaces and when I get the boot it's a doozy! If I hear anything useful I'll post it here and send you an e-mail.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 14, 1999.

I belive the problem you may have may have to do with the Mav itself. Since they didn't all file sharing features and the like (at least since I was using a mac in the computer labs last year) they may have decided to leave you Mac folk for a loop. Otherwise, my suggestion to you is to chat with the text only feature, and once you get into a room, look to see if their are in Mega's then switch back to AV and chat. Other wise...*tosses blade your way*...I'm sure you know what to do.

Good luck Venus, Drizzt of Exile

-- Drizzt of Exile (, April 14, 1999.

I don't know much about the megas but i have had a terrible time in vp lately. this is the first time, thank gawd, that i have been able to get even into Exile. I guess they are having some kind of problems, the only info i got from the host was that maybe a network was down. But that doesn't help you at all Nyx. Sorry, I wish I knew more. I'll see what I can do, but i wish you the best of luck.

-- Jenga (, April 14, 1999.

My advice to you would be to delete the excite exe. file then re download it. If that dosent work then have some a smoke and make a joke....Be happy......

-- Whispen the all mighty.... (, April 17, 1999.

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