Looking for Tom Gibson of Orlando, Fla.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Can anyone put me in touch with a Tom Gibson, of Orlando or the Orlando area? He published some 1940s ACL photos along with an article about Orlando operations in a 1980 issue of the NMRA bulletin. Thanks.

-- Larry Goolsby (LGoolsby@aphsa.org), April 14, 1999



I believe the Tom Gibson you are looking for passed away back in the late 1980s. Tom was an attorney and was active in the local model railroad scene here in Orlando. He and I had shared some junior college years together, but I never knew of his interest in trains until I myself began to pursue the hobby in the late 1980s.

-- Merrill Dow Crissey, Sr. (mdcrissey@juno.com), April 15, 1999.

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