Are Kodak dc256 pictures overexposed ? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just bought a Dc265 on the web, and shot an odd 100 pictures. I'm impressed with the image quality and precision, and also the compression scheme that doesn't jump in your face, even at low settings. But I get a nagging feeling that the pictures are systematically a bit overexposed (about 1.5 to 2 EV), or maybe lack saturation. Of course a quick run through Photoshop fixes this, and I can systematically close the aperture when not using the flash, but this doesn't seem quite right somehow. I think the effect is more obvious with the flash, and sometimes the pictures can be so light that they're hard to watch on the LCD. Did anybody else experience this ? And does anybody know if the camera's "default" AE exposure balance can be twitched through a Digita script, particularly when using the flash? I didn't get this impression by looking at existing scripts.

-- Roger Politis (, April 14, 1999


The issue could have to do with your monitor gamma. - Most PCs have a gamma value somewhere around 2.2-2.5. Macs have monitor gamma set to around 1.4-1.8 or thereabouts. Thus, a picture that looks fine on a PC will look washed out on a Mac (or on a PC with a video card having a lower gamma setting). Are you by any chance on a Mac? If you have Photoshop, you can set up an "action" to batch-process your photos and adjust the gamma to your liking...

-- Dave Etchells (, April 28, 1999.

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