Sara Teasdale : LUSENET : Poetry : One Thread

Who is Sara Teasdale? Can you send me an example of one of her poems? Can you gice me a web site on information about her? Can you get this to me soon? Thank you.

-- Molly McKenney (, April 17, 1999


Sara Teasdale

Born in St. Louis on August 8, 1884.

She graduated from Hosmer Hall in 1903.

Her first published poem appeared in the St. Louis weekly +Reedy's Mirror; in May 1907.

In 1918 she won the Columbia University Poetry Society prize (forerunner of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry) and the annual prize of the Poetry Society of America for +Love Songs;, 1917.

Her marriage ended in divorce in 1929, and she lived thereafter the life of a semi-invalid. . poems at :


-- ilza (, April 17, 1999.

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