Using the Tao Practice for multi-orgasmic men? : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

The tao practice for men involves using the pc muscle to control the prostate gland. This control results in orgasms without ejaculation thus saving energy and prolonging intercourse for as long as desired. The saved energy is circulated through the man and woman using the microcosmic orbit.................MAGNIFICENT! I have the details for the book if anyone wants it.

-- Anonymous, April 29, 1999


Tao Practice For Multi-orgasmic Men?

Which translation of the Tao Te Ching are you reading? Do you also have that copy of Catcher in the Rye where Holden tells us to shoot John Lennon?

-- Anonymous, April 30, 1999

Dear Mr. The Master: The problem I am having with the orgasms without ejaculation is that they just don't feel good. It doesn't feel any better than flexing my biceps. Can you help me?

-- Anonymous, April 30, 1999

Somebody has watched 'GO' to many times.

-- Anonymous, April 30, 1999

Mike: I read "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Manatak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arava. As far as The Catcher in the Rye goes I read it in high school and sorry I have no idea what your talking about.

Big Joe: Sounds like an energy blockage probably originating in the sacrum, overcoming all these problems is explained in detail in the book I mentioned above. Good luck. Lee: I'm sorry I don't have a clue as to what your talking about. Unless it is my alias The Master which I chose in the spirit of the board "squishy". I avoid the majority of the mass media because of its debilitating effects, perhaps you could find an analogy in Shakespeare?

-- Anonymous, May 01, 1999

Perhaps he has "Tae Bo" confused with "Tao Bo"? :-)I wonder what the exercises are like in Tao Bo. "And clench that pc and two..and clench again..."

-- Anonymous, May 01, 1999

Countessa De Bas: Yes, you could be right, there may be some sort of confusion there. At any rate I will respond to your wondering about what the exercises are like, they are nothing like a one two drill but rather more natural: there is however a breathing exercise that goes to one hundred. The exercises require time and concentration but outside of that they are really quite easy. The goal of the exercises is to build and circulate sexual energy. This energy is very healing, calming and energizing all at the same time. It truly does make one feel at one with the universe, and I say that seriously.


-- Anonymous, May 01, 1999

So, you feel alienated from the Universe if you aren't having sex?

-- Anonymous, May 02, 1999

MIKE: I did not say nor imply that.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 1999

Alrighty, this has become entirely too silly, even for Squishy. *grin* Give that man a clue to go with his Tao Bo and turn'im loose.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 1999

So when they say that a baby is born every 6 minutes in the US, who knew that it was the work of ... The Multi-Orgasmic Man?

-- Anonymous, May 03, 1999

Oh, wait, I forgot ... he's shooting blanks.

Curse you, Multi-Orgasmic Man! We'll meet again, snd when we do ... the advantage will be mine!

-- Anonymous, May 03, 1999

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