Is there anybody out there??? : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Just stoped in to say hi but no one was here to say hi to. Are you guys ignoring me or something???

-- Master_of_The_Hunt (, May 04, 1999


Gee, Master, at this time of day I have to get ready for work at my desk. I put on make-up, sip coffee or tea, get info on some subject for one of the volunteers at the library, and check e-mail. If I went in the chat room I'd never get to work! A bunch of us were on last night after 8 p.m. Central time. Where were you? And btw you never did answer my e-mail request asking who you really were...

"" "" o o > \__/

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, May 04, 1999.

visit here after 9pm central we miss you I had to learn programming languages without your help. LOL and I passed am graduating the 13th of may

-- jamais1 (, May 05, 1999.

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